- E. Ethelbert Miller Collection (10)
- Ecological Study for the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area (86)
- Ed Varga and Minneapolis Homocore Collection (29)
- Edmund C. Berkeley Papers (69)
- Edwin H. Lundie Papers (300)
- Eicher African Textile Collection (503)
- Eleanor Savage Papers (18)
- Ellerbe Architects Papers (105)
- Elvin C. Stakman Papers (463)
- Emma Roberts Collection (103)
- Emma Young Dickson Papers (74)
- EngL 1301W Introduction to Multicultural American Literature (10)
- EngL 3001W Textual Interpretation, Analysis, and Investigation (6)
- EngL 3003W Historical Survey of British Literatures I (10)
- EngL 3007 Shakespeare-Rehearsing the Imagination (47)
- EngW 3102 Intermediate Fiction Writing-The Short Story (10)
- EngW 5606-Jour 5606W Literary Aspects of Journalism (12)
- Estonian American Collection (9)
- Eugene J. McCarthy Papers (1489)
- Eugene Turner China-related Correspondence (1)
- Everett R. Clinchy Papers (4)
- Evergreen North Central School of Agriculture Yearbooks (13)