- Rabbi Harold H. Gordon Papers (10)
- Rachel Davis DuBois Papers (38)
- Ralf William and Elsbeth (ne Müller) Adams Papers (6)
- Ralph and Ruth Tefferteller Papers (4)
- Rare Books and Manuscripts (17)
- Records of Local Young Men's Christian Associations (1)
- Records of ReconcilingWorks - Lutherans for Full Participation (175)
- Records of YMCA International Work in Bulgaria (1)
- Records of YMCA International Work in China (1104)
- Records of YMCA International Work in Egypt (11)
- Records of YMCA International Work in Estonia (2)
- Records of YMCA International Work in France (1)
- Records of YMCA International Work in Greece (295)
- Records of YMCA International Work in Hong Kong (141)
- Records of YMCA International Work in India (10)
- Records of YMCA International Work in Japan (24)
- Records of YMCA International Work in Korea (110)
- Records of YMCA International Work in Palestine and Israel (709)
- Records of YMCA International Work in Poland (1)
- Records of YMCA International Work in Russia and the Soviet Union (3)