- Eckstein, Esther (1)
- Educational Committee (1)
- Edwards, C. E. (1)
- Edwardson, Sandra (dean of the University of Minnesota School of Nursing) (1)
- Egypt, Ophelia Settle (1)
- Ehlinger, Dr. Edward (host) (254)
- Ehlinger, Dr. Edward (host) and producer (1)
- Ehlinger, Dr. Edward (host). (5)
- Ehlinger, Dr. Edward (writer) (1)
- Ehlinger, Ehlinger, Dr. Edward (host) (1)
- Ehresmann, Kris (manager of the Immunization Program, Minnesota Department of Health) (1)
- Eliason, Dr. Sandy (chair of the board for the Center for Cross-Cultural Health) (1)
- Elliott, Harriet (1)
- Ellis, Mabel B. (Assistant Editor) (1)
- Ellis, Peter (1)
- Ellwood, Ann (1)
- Ellwood, Ann (executive director, MELD) (1)
- Emerick, Wilhelmina (1)
- Emmett, Charles (1)
- Emmott, Carol, PhD (California Public Hospitals) (2)