- Falkowski, Carol (director of research communication, Hazelden Foundation) (1)
- Farley, Dana (director of the Health Promotion Department, Boynton Health Service, University of Minnesota) (1)
- Ferguson, Buddy (public information officer, Minnesota Department of Health) (1)
- Fernbach, Kathleen, PHN (director of the Minnesota SID Center) (1)
- Fifield, Dr. Gary (2)
- Flack, John M., MD, MPH (associate professor and Head of General Medicine, University of Minnesota) (1)
- Forester, Dr. Jean (School of Public Health, University of Minnesota) (1)
- Forster, Jean, PhD (assistant professor, University of Minnesota School of Public Health) (1)
- French, Simone, PhD (University of Minnesota School of Public Health) Etzwiler, David, JD (moderator) (3)
- Fulton, Rob (director, St Paul and Ramsey County Department of Public Health) (1)