- University of Minnesota (165)
- Johnston, C. H. (102)
- Gilbert, Cass (84)
- Office of the Supervising Engineer (22)
- Morell & Nichols Inc. (19)
- Johnston, Clarence H. (1859-1936) (18)
- University of Minnesota, Physical Planning (17)
- Department of Plant Services (11)
- Department of Parking Services (7)
- Ingemann, William M. (1897-1980) (7)
- Department of Buildings and Grounds (5)
- Department of University Relations (5)
- Jacus & Amble Inc. (5)
- Morell & Nichols, Inc. (5)
- Regents of the University of Minnesota (5)
- Mann, F. M. (4)
- Roger Johnson Associates (4)
- Neubauer, Loren Wenzel (1904-1991) (3)
- Reed and Stem Architects (3)
- University of Minnesota, Student Housing Bureau (3)