- Service géographique de l'Armée (Paris) (5)
- Dépo?t de la guerre (Paris) (4)
- American Geographical Society (New York) (2)
- Société éditrice Géographique (Paris) (2)
- (Francé) (1)
- , 1918 (1)
- American Geographical Society (New York N.Y.) (1)
- American Geograpical Society (New York), 1918 (1)
- Base Printing Plant, 29th Engineers (Washington, D.C.?) (1)
- C.S. Hammond & Co. (Incorporated) Engravers, Printers, Publishers 30 Church Street (Hudson Terminal) (New York) (1)
- Dept. of the Interior, Canada (Ottawa) (1)
- Funk & Wagnalls Co (New York), 1918 (1)
- General Land Office (Washington) (1)
- Geographical Pub. Co (Chicago) (1)
- Kenyon Co (Des Moines, Iowa) (1)
- La Secretari?a (México) (1)
- Librairie centrale des nationalités (Lausanne) (1)
- Ohio State Commissioners of Public Printing (Columbus) (1)
- Printed and distributed by the American Geographical Society (New York) (1)
- Rand McNally (Chicago, Ill.?) (1)