- Department of the Interior (Ottawa, Ont) (3)
- U.S. Geological Survey (Washington, D.C) (3)
- Bureau of Public Roads (Washington, D.C) (2)
- Field Operations, Bureau of Chemistry and Soils (Washington, D.C.?) (2)
- General Land Office (Washington, D.C) (2)
- H.M. Gousha Company (Chicago) (2)
- Harper (New York), 1929 (2)
- John Bartholomew & Son (Edinburgh) (2)
- Kustannusosakeyhtiö Otava (Helsinki-Helsingfors), 1929 (2)
- Rand McNally (Chicago) (2)
- Sanborn Map Company (New York), 1913 (2)
- State Road Commission of West Virginia (Charleston, W. Va) (2)
- The Department (St. Paul, Minnesota) (2)
- The Survey (Washington, D.C) (2)
- U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Chemistry and Soils (Washington D.C.) (2)
- (Californiä), 1929 (1)
- (Minnesota) (1)
- (Washington, ), 1929 (1)
- A. Hoen & Co (Baltimore, MD) (1)
- Aspioti-Elka (Salonique) (1)