- Regnault, Franciscus; Petit, Jean (variant Parvus, Joannes) (102)
- Honzō Zufu Kankōkai (Tōkyō) (95)
- The Herball or Generall Historie of Plants. London: J. Norton (London) (88)
- The Service (Washington, D.C.?) (79)
- Thomas Nelson & Sons (New York) (79)
- Petri Andreae Matthioli senensis medici Commentarii. Venetijs: in officiana Erasmianaé (Venice) (78)
- Free Press Association (New York), 1933 (77)
- The Herball. London: A. Islip, J. Norton and R. Whitakers (London) (77)
- Kreuter Bůch. Straszburg: W. Rihel (Strasbourg) (75)
- Dept. of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service (Washington.) (74)
- Herbal and Booke of the Bath. Cologne: A. Birckman (Cologne) (74)
- Graywolf Press (73)
- Verein für Luftschiffahrte.V. (Ludwigshafen) (72)
- War Relocation Authority (Manzanar, California), 1945 (72)
- Herbarum, arborum, fruticum, frumentorum ac leguminum. Francoforti: apud C. Egenolphum (Frankfurt) (70)
- University of Minnesota. Institute for Advanced Study (Minneapolis, Minnesota), 2013 (68)
- Plakatkunstdruck Eckert (67)
- Underwood and Underwood Publishers (New York, New York) (66)
- Ovitt, S. W. (New Haven, Connecticut) (65)
- Plantarum seu stirpium historia. Antverpiae : Ex officina Christophori Plantini (Antwerp) (65)