- Johnson, Riddle & Co., LTD. (12)
- Linol-Druck Berek (12)
- Seagram-Distillers Corp. (12)
- Harrison & Sons, Ltd. (11)
- Holzhauser-Druck (11)
- Issued by the Director of Public Information, under authority of Hon. J. T. Thorson, Minister of National War Services, Ottawa. (11)
- Richard Hauschildt (11)
- Fosh & Cross Ltd. (10)
- Life (10)
- Loxley Bros. LTD. (10)
- Neurdein et Cie (10)
- Printed for H.M. Stationery Office by J. Weiner Ltd. (10)
- Thos. Forman & Sons LTD. (10)
- A. Richard (9)
- Cormault et Papeghin (9)
- Einson-Freeman Co., Inc. (9)
- McGovern-Anderson Co., Inc. (9)
- Alco-Gravure, Inc. (8)
- Catala Freres (8)
- Danesi (8)