- J. Saunders Redding, Amiri Baraka, Ralph Ellison, Kenneth Clark, St. Clair Drake, John Hope Franklin (2)
- Japan (1)
- Jardins D'Éole Gardens of Aeolus (2)
- Jazz Music (2)
- Jazz Performances in Southern Africa, 1960 Present (2)
- Jean Baudrillard (2)
- Jean Epstein (1)
- Jewish Studies (2)
- Jin Xing Dance Theatre Shanghai (2)
- Joanna Scott (2)
- John Maynard Keynes and Keynesian Economics (1)
- Journalism (4)
- Judaism (2)
- Judaism, Kabbalah and Mysticism (2)
- June Jordan, Audre Lorde, Gloria Anzaldua, and Marlon Riggs (2)
- Justice (2)