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1 - 20 of 1182 results
1877, Plant Seed Company
1881 May postcard with varieties
1883 incomplete (back ads torn out), Archias' Seed Store Corp.
1885 Dorr's Iowa Seeds, C.W. Dorr and Co. Seedsmen
1886 -EST 1845 incomplete (no cover, first few pages damaged), Plant Seed Company
1888, Plant Seed Company
1888 Wholesale Price List of Delhi Nursery, Fall 1888
1892 for Stark Bro
1893 INCOMPLETE DESCR. CAT (starts on pg 65), Stark Bro's Nurseries
1893 incomplete (missing cover, damaged pages), Plant Seed Company
1898 Davenport Nurseries Illustrated Descriptive Catalogue of Fruit and Ornamental Trees
1898 Hammond's Gem Collection flyer
1899 March  in IL and AL
1899 Price List of Small Fruit Plants and Seed Potatoes Grown by Henry Field (reprint)
1900 circa Pansy Postcard ""Kramer's celebrated twentieth century pansies""
1900 circa Plum post card, Stark Bro's Nurseries
1900 circa postcard as Fuller & Gaston, Iowa Seeds
1900 Garden and Farm Seeds, Theo Koss
1902/03 Illustrated descriptive catalog, Weber, H. J., & Sons Nursery Co.