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Arts High School in Minnesota with speakers Margaret Hasse and David Speer
Financing Elections with speakers Archibald Cox and Bill Frenzel
Free Trade in Agriculture with speakers Orv Freeman and Edward Schuh
Higher Education with speakers Gerald Christenson, Peter Magrath, and John Wefold
Horseracing with speakers Bruce Malkerson and Joyce Ferrell
Leaving Minneapolis with speakers Sarah and James Lawless
Metropolitan Council with speakers Sandra Gardebring, John Boland, and James Hetland
Minnesota Court of Appeals with speakers Popovich and Sedgewick
New Jobs with speakers John Brandl and Monnie Bate
New Skyline for Minneapolis with speaker Cesar Pelli
Recording with Helmut Schmidt
School Vouchers for Poor: Will They Help or Hurt Public Education? with speakers John Brandt and Ruth L. Anderson
Thoughts on Leaving with speakers C. Peter Magrath and Diane Skomars