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Abe Nelson
A bit of Lake Itasca from Schoolcraft Island, entrance to East arm in distance
A. calamus
Adaptation, convergent, illustration from Henry Fairfield Osborn, "Origin and Evolution of Life"
Adult and young Junco
Adult and young Junco
Adult and young Junco
Adult and young Junco at attention
Adult Junco and young
Adult Junco feeding blueberry to young
Adult Junco feeling young
After shaft, Emu and pheasant, illustration from William Payne Pycraft's book
A grove of white birches with leaves destroyed by the Birch Skeletonizer insect
Air sacs, diagrammatic drawing, illustration from William Payne Pycraft, "History of Birds"
Air sacs, schematic view, illustration from Frank E. Beddard, "The Structure and Classification of Birds"
Albatross breeding colony, image from "Birds of the World"
Alfred Peterson next to car at Pipestone Minnesota
American Bittern's nest
American Bittern's nest
American Bittern's nest
American Bittern's nest and eggs uncovered
American Bittern's nest and eggs uncovered
American Bittern's nest, covered
American Bittern's nest, covered
American Bitterns on nest, young
American Redstart's nest
American Redstart's nest
American Redstart's nest in grapevine
Ampitheater in woods, where the Jewel head grown
Anatomy, salivary gland, tongues, Syrinx, illustration by R.W. Shufeldt, "Myology of the Raven"
Ancestral tree of birds image from Henry Fairfield Osborn, "Origin and Evolution of Life"
Ancestral tree of Birds image from Henry Fairfield Osborn, "Origin and Evolution of Life"
Anemone and Bellwort, close
Anemone pennsylvanica
Anemone pennsylvanica
Anemone pennsylvanica and where it grows
Antennaria plantaginifolia
Ant fungus garden of Atta texana, image of a photograph from a book
Ant nest of Atta texana, illustration
Ant nest of Atta texana, image of a photograph from a book
Ants, Atta texana, illustration
Ants, sagittal section of worker, Myrmica rubra, illustration
Ants, workers of Atta texana, image of a photograph from a book
A photograph of a four-stories nest of the Yellow Warbler from a page in the printed Annual report of the Field Columbian Museum
Apteryx or Kiwi, illustration from Alfred Newton, "A Dictionary of Birds"
Archaeopteryx, British Museum specimen, illustration from Alfred Newton, "A Dictionary of Birds"
Archaeopteryx, etc., illustration from Henry Fairfield Osborn, "Origin and Evolution of Life"
Archaeopteryx, illustration from "Birds of the World"
Archaeopteryx restoration, deep, illustration from Richard Swann Lull, "Organic Evolution"
Archaeopteryx restoration, illustration from Richard Swann Lull, "Organic Evolution"
Arctic Tern
Arctic Woodpecker
Arctic Woodpecker
Arctic Woodpecker
Arctic Woodpecker
Arctic Woodpecker
Arctic Woodpecker
Arctic Woodpecker
Arctic Woodpecker
Arctic Woodpecker at nest
Arctic Woodpecker at nest
Arctic Woodpecker, male and young at hole
Argus-Eyed Pheasant, illustration from Bird-Lore magazine
Argus Pheasant, illustration from Joseph Leopold Fitzinger, "Bilder-Atlas zur Wissenschaftlich-Populren Naturgeschichte der Wirb
Arisaema triphyllum
Arisaema triphyllum
Articulation, mammal and bird skull from William Beebe, "The Bird Its Form and Function"
Ash tree and the puncture mark made by Sapsucker
Aster, large-leafed
Aster, light blue in color
A strip of movie film depicting a Nashville Warbler, female nest and young
At boat landing at Park House, box that beaver came in in foreground, Tom and Catherine Roberts on landing with small boy from H
Attorney General Douglas with porcupine
Attorney General Wallace B. Douglas approaching a porcupine
Auks, Great and Little, illustration from William Beebe, "The Bird Its Form and Function"
Auks, Great Auk, Little Auk, illustration from William Beebe, "The Bird Its Form and Function"
Background negatives
Background negatives, deciduous woods
Background negatives of Island Lake near Danola Lodge
Background negatives, showing Spruce, Birch, etc. at Danola Lodge
Background view, landscape
Background view, landscape
Background view, landscape
Background view, landscape, fence in the distance
Background view, landscape, field
Background view, landscape showing field
Background view, landscape showing field and fence in distance
Background view, landscape showing field and fence in distance
Background view, landscape with a house and fence in the distance
Background view, landscape with fence
Badger, image of a photograph from a book
Bald Eagle, illustration from a published book
Bald Eagles Nest
Bald Headed Eagles Nest
Baltimore Oriole, nest
Baltimore Oriole nest