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Man's Struggle for Freedom Against Authority, by John B. Wolf, Professor of History
10,000 Lakes or More - Boating Opportunities
1934 Teamsters' Strike with Hy Berman
1981 McLaughlin lecture by Charge d'Affair at the U.S. Embassy in Iran and former hostage L. Bruce Laingen
1. "General Extension Division and Broader Adult Education," a discussion by Juilius Nolte, Huntington Miller, Albert Fulton, and Bob Boyle; 2. "Where Do We Go From Here with Russia?," by Harold Charles Deutsch
1. Northwest Radio Review: The Development of Broadcasting in Minnesota from the 1920s to the 1940s; 2. Dedication of Frances Miller Brown Memorial Bells; 3. London Forum. A BBC broadcast of a discussion of the Parliament Bill
1. Speech given at a dinner celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Minneapolis Public Library. 2."Beyond Victory," a discussion of World Problems before the United Nations General Assembly. 3. High School radio workshop production of "A Dissertation on roast pig."
20,000 Year Old Man
3rd program in the Public Affairs Forum Workshop Series on Communist China
9 to 5 with Karen Nussbaum, author of 9 to 5: The Working Woman's Guide to Office Survival