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Young Vireos warbling, double exposure
Castalia tuberosa
Asclepias tuberosa
Autumnal vegetation of marsh border
Crossing the snow field of Mount Sifton
Devil's Track falls
Evening scene in Minnesota
Fernery, home garden with Phegopteris (Dryopteris)
Galium triflorum (Galium asperuloides)
Ground vegetation
Gymnocladus dioica leaf
Landscape at Lake Calhoun
Sink hole on Phelp's Island at Lake Minnetonka
South eastern forest on a bluff
Zonal distribution of sand shore vegetation
Zonal distribution on the border of a meadow, Hordeum in the foreground
Carduus flodmanii (Cirsium flodmanii) field
Juniper Point, end view on Crooked Creek
Juniperus communis on Juniper Point in Winnebago Valley
Juniperus virginiana (Sabina virginiana), single conical tree
Water vegetation and cliff on Mound Creek
Winnebago Valley and bluff looking east from point
Acorn barnacles on the rocks in Bill's Cove
A drift-wood cottage, Branaman and Ned L. Huff
A faulted dike near Friendly Cove showing slipping
A larged Cedar tree in Stanley Park in Vancouver
Alaria cordata
Along the trail to Port Renfrew
A rocky ravine ascending Mt. Edinburgh
A sea cave near the Minnesota Seaside Station
Asplenium on a foot bridge over Friendly Cove Creek
A wave breaking over Postelsia Point
Bank of Asplenium and Polystichum ferns
Bank of Maiden Hair Ferns at the Fontinallis Springs
Bed of Allaria, Hedophyllum, etc. on a bench at low tide
Bed of Fucus, near view
Breakers dashing against the rocks
Breaking down of "the cliff" showing actions of waves and plants
Callymenia phyllophoro (Kallymenia) with Microcladia on it
Callymenia phyllophoro (Kallymenia) with Microcladia on it
Caught by the tide on a cliff near the Sandbeach
Class working on the rocks near the Minnesota Seaside Station buildings at low tide
Climbing through a rocky ravine on Mt. Edinburgh
Collecting zoological specimens at a low tide
Concretions at the Devil's Billiard Table
Costaria, Alaria, and other kelps, low tide
Costaria turneri (Costaria costata)
Crossing on the Gordon River, Mr. Butters in the tram
Crumpled slate, Potentilla on the rocks
Descending Mt. Edinburgh
Dinner party on the beach
Driftwood at Johnson's Point
Drift wood for the boat
Driftwood near the Minnesota Seaside Station
Dwarf trees of the Wind-swept coast
Early stages of cave formation in a sandstone cliff
Egregia at low tide
Egregia at low tide, lone tree island near Friendly Cove
Egregia menziesii
Enteromorpha intestinalis
Ferns growing by the Port Renfrew trail
Footbridge and Fern
Formation of tide pools by concretions
Fucus bed, low tide
Fucus rockweed
Geology class on the rock at low tide
Giant Cedar tree in Stanley Park, Vancouver
Giant Cedar Tree near the Gordan River camp
Giant Cedar tree on the Port Renfrew trail
Gnarled Cedar trees in the forest behind the camp
Goose barnacles on the rocks at Postelsia Point
Great breakers coming in from the Pacific
Great dike projecting above the slate
Great wave
Halosaccion at low tide
Halosaccion on the rocks at the Minnesota Seaside Station
Hedophyllum and eel grass at low tide
Hodag Lake and Mount Edinburgh
Hodag Lake and Mt. Edinburgh
Hodag Workship
Indian at Alberni
Indian on Dock at Alberni
Indians gathering drift-wood
In the depths of the forest near the Minnesota Seaside Station buildings
In the depths of the forest near the Minnesota Seaside Station buildings
Kelps on the ledge of a rock at the Minnesota Seaside Station
Kelps overhanging the ledge at Postelsia Point
Laminaria and Alaria at Postelsia Point
Large quartz veins in slate near Friendly Cove
Large trees of Stanley Park
Large wave at the Minnesota Seaside Station
Large wave at the Minnesota Seaside Station
Laurencia pinnatifida (Osmundea pinnatifida)