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Woodsia ilvensis
Viola papilionacea
Spherical grinding stones from pot holes
Shale beds, Twin City Brick Company
Shale beds, Fucoids, Twin City Brick Company
Sanguinaria canadensis
Sandstone cliff and railroad embankment
Primula on cliff above Stillwater on the St. Croix river, near view
Primula on cliff above Stillwater on the St. Croix river
Polypodium vulgare in home rock garden
Pleurotus ulmarius (Hypsizygus ulmarius)
Pleurotus ulmarius (Hypsizygus ulmarius)
Phegopteris (Dryopteris) in the fernery
Old Man of the St. Croix, close up
Old Man of the St. Croix
Mamillaria in flower in Cactus bed with sempervirum in the center
Limestone Cliff, Prdovician, near the Washington Avenue Bridge over the Mississippi River
Limestone Cliff below the Washington Avenue Bridge
Ithyphallus impudicus (Phallus impudicus), near view
Ithyphallus impudicus (Phallus impudicus)
Gorge of the St. Croix from the summit on the Wisconsin side
Gorge of the Baptism River on the north shore
Fossils, shale beds, Twin City Brick Company
Fossils, Ordorician Limestone, Brachipods and Bryozoans, near view
Fossils, Ordorician Limestone, Brachipods and Bryozoans
Fossils, Ordorician Limestone, Brachipods and Bryozoans
Fossils, Ordorician Limestone, Brachipods and Bryozoans
Fossils, Fucoids, from St. Paul
Fossils, Fucoids, from St. Paul
Fossils, Fucoids, Decorah Shales, etc.
Fossils, Cambrian, shells, etc.
Fossil, Lepidadendron, near view
Fossil, Lepidadendron
Fossil, Lepidadendron
Fossila, Cambrian, shells, etc.
Equisetum laevigatum
Cystopteris in rock garden and fernery
Cystopteris bulbifera in the home rock garden fernery
Coprinus comatus, near view
Coprinus comatus, near view
Coprinus comatus
Cliff of Basalt on the Easter shore at Taylor's Falls
Cactus bed, near view
Cactus bed, more distant view
Cactus bed, four plants in flower
Arisaema triphyllum and Cystopteris bulbifera
Adiantum and Cystopteris in the fernery north of the house