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Relations with Other Organizations. United States Public Health Service. ASHA Cooperative Projects. (Box 132, Folder 10)
Publications. Staff Manuscripts. Edith Hale Swift Manuscripts. (Box 167, Folder 08)
Publications. Pamphlets. Thomson, Alec N.""Medical Measures in Social Hygiene."(Box 171, Folder 13)
Publications. Pamphlets. Social Hygiene for the Nurse. (Box 172, Folder 11)
Publications. Pamphlets. Social Hygiene for the Club Woman."(Box 172, Folder 09)
Publications. Pamphlets. Snow, William F.""Syphilis and Periodic Health Examination."(Box 172, Folder 12)
Publications. Pamphlets. Snow, William F.""Social Hygiene and the Prevention of Blindness."(Box 172, Folder 11)
Publications. Pamphlets. Membership Renewal Form. (Box 172, Folder 12)
Publications. Pamphlets. Lee, Joseph, "Graded Recreation and Social Hygiene."(Box 171, Folder 13)
Publications. Pamphlets. Johnson, Bascom, "Law Enforcement in Social Hygiene."(Box 172, Folder 12)
Publications. Pamphlets. Johnson, Bascom, "Law Enforcement in Social Hygiene."(Box 171, Folder 13)
Publications. Pamphlets. Falconer, Martha P.""Protective Measures in Social Hygiene."(Box 171, Folder 13)
Publications. Pamphlets. Cumming, Hugh S.""The Truth about Syphilis and Gonorrhea."(Box 172, Folder 11)
Publications. Pamphlets. Clapp, Emily V.""Growing Up in the World Today."(Box 172, Folder 14)
Publications. Pamphlets. Books for Parents Teachers Social and Public Health Workers. (Box 172, Folder 09)
Legal and Protective Measures. Surveys. Texas. Quackery & Drug Store Treatment in Relation to Syphilis & Gonorrhea in Dallas. (Box 102, Folder 04)
Legal and Protective Measures. Surveys. Pennsylvania. The Present Crisis Among Health & Welfare Agencies in Pittsburgh. (Box 102, Folder 02)
Legal and Protective Measures. Surveys. Ohio. Relief & Welfare Needs in Cleveland. (Box 101, Folder 12)
Legal and Protective Measures. Surveys. New Jersey. Report of a Study of the Syphilis Clinic at the Orange Memorial Hospital. (Box 100, Folder 06)
Legal and Protective Measures. Surveys. New Jersey. Report of a Social Hygiene Survey of Englewood. (Box 100, Folder 04)
Legal and Protective Measures. Field Reports. West Virginia. (Box 111, Folder 08)
Legal and Protective Measures. Field Reports. South Dakota. (Box 109, Folder 07)
Finances and Fundraising. Direct Solicitations. Membership & Finance Committee Form Letters. (Box 022, Folder 05)
Finances and Fundraising. Direct Solicitations. Membership & Finance Committee Form Letters. (Box 022, Folder 04)
Finances and Fundraising. Bureau of Social Hygiene. ASHA Presentation to Bureau. (Box 026, Folder 08)
Finances and Fundraising. Bureau of Social Hygiene. ASHA Presentation Related Materials. (Box 027, Folder 01)
Education. Education Division, General. Family Life Education Publicity. (Box 082, Folder 03)