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Acorn barnacles on the rocks in Bill's Cove
A drift-wood cottage, Branaman and Ned L. Huff
A faulted dike near Friendly Cove showing slipping
A larged Cedar tree in Stanley Park in Vancouver
Alaria cordata
Along the trail to Port Renfrew
A rocky ravine ascending Mt. Edinburgh
A sea cave near the Minnesota Seaside Station
Asplenium on a foot bridge over Friendly Cove Creek
A wave breaking over Postelsia Point
Bank of Asplenium and Polystichum ferns
Bank of Maiden Hair Ferns at the Fontinallis Springs
Bed of Allaria, Hedophyllum, etc. on a bench at low tide
Bed of Fucus, near view
Breakers dashing against the rocks
Breaking down of "the cliff" showing actions of waves and plants
Callymenia phyllophoro (Kallymenia) with Microcladia on it
Callymenia phyllophoro (Kallymenia) with Microcladia on it
Caught by the tide on a cliff near the Sandbeach
Class working on the rocks near the Minnesota Seaside Station buildings at low tide