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Buy a Liberty Bond : help our boys at the front by joining the Patriotic Service League
Riunite e per sempre
After the welcome home-- a job!
Lend the way they fight : buy bonds to your utmost
Join the Navy : the service for fighting men
Come on -- join now : 15,000,000 members by Christmas
Are you in this?
United behind the service star : United War Work Campaign
Aumoniers -- Armee Belge
Infanterie -- Armee Belge.
Lanciers -- Armee Belge.
Mitrailleuses -- Armee Belge.
Pontonniers -- Armee Belge.
George the Fifth has signed bills giving votes to women of five great Canadian Provinces. He will soon sign a bill g
La guerre en Argonne : Neuvilly (Meuse) -- l'eglise detruite par les bombardements
Neuvilly (Meuse) en 1914 route de Varennes, suivie par Louis XVI le jour de son arrestation : Neuvilly (Meuse) en 19
Follow the impulse : make a generous lenten offering for the cold, hungry and homeless women and children of Poland
Give or we perish : American Committee for Relief in the Near East : Armenia -- Greece -- Syria -- Persia : campaign
Help our wartime work with girls : in and near military cantonments in munitions plants and uniform factories in dev
Sladami Ojcow Naszych w Szeregach Armii Polskiej za Ojczyzne i Wolnosc
Stand behind the country's girlhood : Y.W.C.A. : New York's share $1,750,000 : January 7th to 14th
When the boys come home : while I was over there what were you doing here? : students of America how will you answer
Give her the key to lock him up : League of Nations mass meeting 71st Regiment armory, Park Ave. and 34th Street Thu
Artillerie allemande capturee par les Americans
Lest we perish : campaign for $30,000,000 : American Committee for Relief in the Near East : Armenia -- Greece -- Sy
73 -- Lille (nord) -- rue Faidherbe prise de la gare
Are you saving for the children? : save for their education and give them a start in life. : buy war savings certifi
Ruines d'Auchy-Lez-La Bassee (P.-de-C) -- guerre 1914-18 -- grand'rue
Help our town win the right to fly this flag : Third Liberty Loan Honor Roll : these are the people of our town who
American -- British -- French -- Belgian : Permanent Blind Relief War Fund for soldiers and sailors : American secti
Help Uncle Sam stamp out the Kaiser! : buy U. S. Gov't bonds
Help your American Red Cross, join today : no field service required of members : membership dues $1.00 up
Are you one of us? : they are looking to us for help : add your bit to the Red Cross War Fund
Eat more fish, eggs, cheese, poultry : save the meat for the boys at the front
The Navy is calling : enlist now : U.S. Navy recruiting station : 34 East 23rd Street New York 23 N. Broadway Yonker
Royal Albert Hall : great stage ball... : pageant of plays and players : entire proceeds to be given to Sir Arthur P
For your boy
Their home! : Belgium 1918 : buy national war bonds and protect your home
To prevent this -- buy war savings certificates now
Save the products of the land : eat more fish -- they feed themselves. : United States Food Administration
Color illustration of woman wearing red dress with white cross holding blanket over her shoulders and around three young children seeking shelter from her
At the sign of the red triangle : the Y.M.C.A. keeps the home ties from breaking ; help take the red triangle to our
Rue des pierres a Bruges en 1899
The Call to duty : join the Army : for home and country
He is keeping the world safe for democracy : enlist and help him
Remember the bond
Food will win the war : you came here seeking freedom you must now help to preserve it : wheat is needed for the all
Food will win the war : you came here seeking freedom you must now help to preserve it : wheat is needed for the all
Il Cibo vincera la guerra! : venite qui a cercare la liberta : dovete ora aiutare a conservarla : il pane e necessar