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Zwei Millionen
Zusammengeschwei?t durch Not, Elend und heldenmutige Kampfe... Krieg gegen die Sowjetunion ist gleichbedeutend mit e
Zur Volks - Abstimmung stimme mit , Ja
Zuruck zu Bruning , Gegen Brudermord , Fur Ordnung u. Aufbau , Arbeit u. Brot , 4 Liste 4
Zur Reichstagswahl , fur Hitler
Zur Reichstagswahl ... : An die nationale Burgerschaft : ...beherzigt die Lehre, folgt der Parole Dr. Hugenberg's un
Zur grossen nationalen Front : Block der Vernunft : Arbeitnehmer, Arbeiter, Bauern, Beamte, Mittelstand, Sparer : De
Zum Muttertag: Was der Mann einsetzt an Heldenmut auf dem Schlachtfeld, setzt die Frau ein in ewig geduldiger Hinga
Zum Arbeitsanfang nicht erst ankommen, sondern besser schon da sein! Nicht abgehetzt, sondern mit gesammelter Ruhe b
Zum Abschlu? der grunen Woche , Riesenkundgebung im Sportpalast , der Berliner Gauleiter Pg. Dr. Goebbels M.d.R. und
Zum 50. Todestage , Redner: A. Crispien , Am 5. Marz wahlt Berlin Sozialdemokraten Liste 2
Zu Arbeit und Brot mit Liste 5 , Kampffront Schwarz-Wei?-Rot
Zerrei?ung der Youngplanes and des Versailler Vertrages...
Zerrei?ung der rauberischen Versailler "Friedensvertrages"...
Zeit für Safer Sex
Zeichnet euch ein fur : Hindenburg : Liste liegt hier bis 13. Febr. einschl. Aus
Zeichnet Euch ein fur Hindenburg , Die Einzeichnung erfolgt an den durch besondere Plakate kenntlich gemachten Stell
Za nasi samostatnost! : Hrr na vraha! : Za demokracii! : Ceskoslovenska Armada
Zahlen beweisen! Wahlt Adolf Hitler und seine Getreuen!
Y.W.C.A. New York City hostess houses : Reception room, cafeteria, lodging for women relatives and friends of men in
Y.W.C.A. : in service for the girls of the world
"You won't let me starve, will you?" : I am little Shushan, from Armenia...
You won't let me starve, will you? : Armenian and Syrian relief : Children like Shushan need food, clothing, and she
You, wireless fans, help the Navy get the Hun submarine : 1000 radio men wanted in the Navy and the Naval Reserve :
You will help -- won't you?
You've loaned to liberty -- now give to humanity!
Youth and life
You serve us we want to serve you -- let us help you to have a Merrie Christmas : let us be hostesses to you and you
You serve by saving : buy war savings certificates : $5 for $4 $10 for $8 $25 for $20 $50 for $40 $100 for $80
Your work means victory : build another one : United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation
Your war bonds are a stake in the future
Your victory garden : counts more than ever!
Your victory garden : counts more than ever!
Your tips : they will be as much appreciated if given in Thrift Stamps and you'll be helping Uncle Sam : W.S.S. : Wa
Your tin makes : engine parts : for army lorries : thank you, Nigeria!
Your tanks in action : thank you, Nigeria!
Your tanks in action : thank you, Basutoland!
Your store can provide : salvage for victory: America's war factories need scrap metals old rubber waste paper old r
Your 'Spitfires' in action : thank you, Trinidad!
Your 'Spitfires' in action : thank you, Sierra Leone!
Your 'Spitfires' in action : thank you, Nyasaland!
Your 'Spitfires' in action : thank you, Nigeria!
Your 'Spitfires' in action : thank you, Malta!
Your 'Spitfires' in action : thank you, Leeward Islands!
Your 'Spitfires' in action : thank you, Kenya!
Your 'Spitfires' in action : thank you, Gibraltar!
Your 'Spitfires' in action : thank you, Gambia!
Your 'Spitfires' in action : thank you, Bermuda!
Your 'Spitfires' in action : thank you, Bechuanaland!
Your 'Spitfire' in action : thank you, Tonga!
Yours eyes : can stop the saboteur : be ever watchful!
Your Sex Partner for Life
Your seaplane in action : thank you, Mauritius!
Your right of way : to victory : buy : victory bonds : and keep them
Your : Red Cross : is at his side : 1944 War Fund
Your recreation huts in action : thank you, Uganda!
Your ration board : these folks are your neighbors : .... help them help you!
Your production : beat your promise
Your palm kernels when cracked : help to feed the empire's fighting men : crack for victory
Your : OPA : program : to assure the necessities of life in wartime : price control, rent control, rationing : how
Your navy : spearhead of victory : Navy Day : October 27
Your navy : spearhead of victory : Navy Day : October 27
Your navy -- first line of : attack : Navy Day Oct. 27th
Your navy -- first line of : attack : Navy Day Oct. 27th
"Your money or their lives?" : "shall it ever be said that we were willing to give our sons, but we were not willing
Your mobile canteens in action : your mobile canteens are filled with food and hot drinks ... : thank you, Kenya!
Your mobile canteens in action : your mobile canteens are filled with food and hot drinks... : thank you, Barbados!
Your mobile canteen in action : your mobile canteen is filled with food and hot drinks ... : thank you, Zanzibar!
Your mobile canteen in action : your mobile canteen is filled with food and hot drinks ... : thank you, Windward Isl
Your mobile canteen in action : your mobile canteen is filled with food and hot drinks ... : thank you, Trinidad and
Your mobile canteen in action : your mobile canteen is filled with food and hot drinks ... : thank you, Seychelles!
Your mobile canteen in action : your mobile canteen is filled with food and hot drinks ... : thank you, Northern Rho
Your mobile canteen in action : your mobile canteen is filled with food and hot drinks ... : thank you, Mauritius!
Your mobile canteen in action : your mobile canteen is filled with food and hot drinks ... : thank you, Malta!
Your mobile canteen in action : your mobile canteen is filled with food and hot drinks ... : thank you, Leeward Isla
Your mobile canteen in action : your mobile canteen is filled with food and hot drinks... : thank you, Jamaica!
Your mobile canteen in action : your mobile canteen is filled with food and hot drinks... : thank you, Gibraltar!
Your mobile canteen in action : your mobile canteen is filled with food and hot drinks... : thank you, Dominica!.
Your mobile canteen in action : your mobile canteen is filled with food and hot drinks... : thank you, Ceylon!
Your mobile canteen in action : your mobile canteen is filled with food and hot drinks... : thank you, British Guian
Your minesweeper in action : thank you, Tanganyika!
Your : metal : saves our convoys : keep it coming!
Your : metal : is their : might!
Your : metal : is on the attack : keep it coming!
Your metal in action : "babe" gets bullet ... : this is Munda ... : meet the " bazooka"! ... : before the barrage ..
Your manganese makes : steel : for fighting ships : thank your Gold Coast!
Your machine : is a : war weapon... : treat it : right!
Your lot in a : totalitarian state
"Your : lightning : has outscored the Axis wherever it has fought." -- Army Air Forces
Your last chance : war bonds will be withdrawn on January 18th : buy them : now
Your job is to : keep 'em shooting!
Your iron ore makes front-line : tanks and guns : thank you Sierra Leone!
Your 'Hurricanes' in action : thank you, Uganda!
Your 'Hurricanes' in action : thank you, Tanganyika!
Your 'Hurricanes' in action : thank you, Northern Rhodesia!
Your 'Hurricanes' in action : thank you, Gold Coast!
Your 'Hurricanes' in action : thank you, Fiji!