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1 - 100 of 1384 results
16th Century, Angra
16th Century, Angra do Heroísmo
16th Century, Arctic
16th Century, Ascension
16th Century, Ascension Island
16th Century, Bali
16th Century, East Africa and Indian Ocean
16th Century, Europe
16th Century, Flanders
16th Century, Germania
16th Century, Goa
16th Century, Gulf of Guinea and Southern Africa
16th Century, Indian Ocean and Southeast African Coast
16th Century, Island of Mozambique
16th Century, Island of Mozambique
16th Century, Madagascar
16th Century, Netherlands
16th Century, North Atlantic
16th Century, Saint Helena
16th Century, Saint Helena
16th Century, Saint Helena
16th Century, South America and Caribbean
16th Century, South Asia and Middle East
16th Century, South Atlantic and West African Coast
16th Century, Southeast Asia
16th Century, Southeast Asia and East Indies
16th Century, Southern Africa
16th Century, Southwest Asia
16th Century, Spakenbourch and S. Angero
16th Century, St. Helena
16th Century, Strait of Magellan
16th Century, Tierra del Fuego
16th Century, Volvelle
16th Century, Volvelle
16th Century, World
17th Century, Aalst and County of Flanders
17th Century, Aardenburg
17th Century, Acapulco and Ladrones Islands
17th Century, Acapulco Bay and Puerto Marques Bay
17th Century, Acapulco Bay and Puerto Marques Bay
17th Century, Alexandria
17th Century, Alexandria
17th Century, Alexandria
17th Century, Alexandria and Nile River Delta
17th Century, Algiers
17th Century, Algiers
17th Century, Algiers
17th Century, Algiers
17th Century, Algiers
17th Century, Algiers
17th Century, Americas
17th Century, Amoy
17th Century, Amoy
17th Century, Amoy
17th Century, Amsterdam
17th Century, Amsterdam
17th Century, Amsterdam Island, Danes Island, and Coast of Spitsbergen
17th Century, Angra do Heroísmo
17th Century, Angra do Heroísmo
17th Century, Angra do Heroísmo
17th Century, Annobón
17th Century, Antwerp
17th Century, Arctic
17th Century, Arctic
17th Century, Arctic
17th Century, Arctic, Europe, Asia, and North Atlantic Ocean
17th Century, Arctic Pole, Faroe Islands, Shetland Islands, and Frisland
17th Century, Arkhangelsk and Northern Dvina River
17th Century, Arosbaya
17th Century, Ascension
17th Century, Ascension Island
17th Century, Ascension Island
17th Century, Asia
17th Century, Astrakhan
17th Century, Astrakhan
17th Century, Astrakhan
17th Century, Azores, Canary Islands, Hispania, and Strait of Gibraltar
17th Century, Babylon
17th Century, Babylon
17th Century, Baghdad
17th Century, Bali
17th Century, Bali
17th Century, Baltic Sea
17th Century, Baltic Sea
17th Century, Baltic Sea
17th Century, Banda Islands
17th Century, Banda Islands
17th Century, Bandar Abbas
17th Century, Bantam
17th Century, Banten
17th Century, Banten Bay
17th Century, Banten Market
17th Century, Barbary Coast, Capt St. Vincent, Strait of Gibraltar, and North Atlantic Ocean
17th Century, Barbary Coast from Strait of Gibraltar to Gambia River
17th Century, Barents Sea, Northern Scandinavia, Novaya Zemlya
17th Century, Batavia
17th Century, Batavia
17th Century, Batavia
17th Century, Batavia and Thousand Islands
17th Century, Batticaloa