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The : Knockout : blow : starts here : fellow soldiers
Am I proud! .. : I'm fighting famine ... : by canning food at home
Am I proud! .. : I'm fighting famine ... : by canning food at home
Of course I can! : I'm patriotic as can be -- and ration points won't worry me!
This year : give a share in America : defense : bonds and stamps
Wanted -- fighting dollars : make every pay -- day : bond -- day : United States : defense : bonds stamps : ask abou
Wanted -- fighting dollars : make every pay -- day : bond -- day : United States : war defense bonds stamps : ask ab
"You buy 'em we'll fly 'em!" : defense bonds stamps
"You buy 'em we'll fly 'em!" : defense bonds stamps
"You buy 'em we'll fly 'em!" : war bonds stamps
Longing won't bring him back sooner ... : get a war job! : see your U.S. employment service
Invent for : victory : all Americans who have an invention or an idea which might be useful to their country are urg
Invent for : victory : all Americans who have an invention or an idea which might be useful to their country are urg
Equipment is precious! : remember his needs. your care of office equipment will save vital materials and help him wi
I'm proud of : you folks : too!
Attack attack attack : buy war bonds
Attack attack attack : buy war bonds
Attack attack attack : buy war bonds
Have you : really : tried to save gas by getting into a car club?
They stake their lives on your ordnance
"God help me if this is a dud!" : his life is in : your : hands
OPA ceiling price : refuse to pay more
The : Enemy : is listening : he wants to know what you know : keep it to yourself
Your ammunition : typewriters, pencils, pens, paper clips, rubber bands, adding machines, staplers, paper carbon pap
Care : is costly : buy and hold war bonds
Care : is costly : buy and hold war bonds
Care : is costly : buy and hold war bonds
Care : is costly : buy and hold war bonds
Here's a war job for : you : railroad workers : urgently needed ...
Keep pitching with both hands brother
She's a : wow : women ordnance worker
Your job is to : keep 'em shooting!
They met on the assembly line. it was love at first bomb sight.
Give war bonds : the present with a : future
Give war bonds : the present with a : future
"Doing all you can, brother?" : buy war bonds
Pipedown soldier! : Berlin's listening!
You give him : wings! : the army needs lumber for training planes
Your : metal : saves our convoys : keep it coming!
Someone talked!
Someone talked!
This is Nazi brutality : Radio Berlin... -- all men of Lidice -- Czechoslovakia -- have been shot: the women deporte
This is Nazi brutality : Radio Berlin... -- all men of Lidice -- Czechoslovakia -- have been shot: the women deporte
We French workers warn you : defeat means slavery, starvation, death
Your : metal : is on the attack : keep it coming!
If the : absentee bugs : bite you ... : poor transportation : bad housing : accident : child care : shopping : illne
Keep punching.. every day! : your labor-management production committee
Keep punching.. every day! : your labor-management production committee
Couldn't have done it without you! : full speed ahead..? : we've still got a big job to do!
Couldn't have done it without you! : full speed ahead..... : we've still got a big job to do!
Take it from me, brother : we've still got a big job to do!
Back the attack : buy war bonds : 3rd war loan
Fire away : 5th V war loan : buy extra bonds
Fire away : 5th V war loan : buy extra bonds
Keep him flying! : buy war bonds
Keep him flying! : buy war bonds
Reach your boys : overseas : by V mail : the letters that travel on film : easy to use surest -- fastest -- and most
Your : metal : is their : might!
Time saved on your job : saves lives on his! : your labor management committee says: turn in your ideas to do it : b
Let's finish the job! : urgent -- experienced seamen needed! : wire collect: : Merchant Marine Washington, D.C.: or
Let's finish the job! : urgent -- experienced seamen needed! : wire collect: : Merchant Marine Washington, D.C.: or
You : can't afford to miss : either! : buy bonds every payday
Give 'em the stuff to fight with ...
Give 'em the stuff to fight with...
I'll carry mine too! : trucks and tires must last till victory
I'll carry mine too! : trucks and tires must last till victory
This man may die : if you talk too much
Remember Dec. 7th! : ... we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain ?
Remember Dec. 7th! : ... we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain ...
Remember Dec. 7th! : ... we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain ...
"Won't you give my boy a chance to get home?" : don't travel -- unless your trip helps win the war
"Won't you give my boy a chance to get home?" : don't travel -- unless your trip helps win the war
"Won't you give my boy a chance to get home?" : don't travel -- unless your trip helps win the war
Buy war bonds here : paymaster : use a pay day during the war, to buy a pay day after the war
Kinda give it your personal attention, will you? : more production
Kinda give it your personal attention, will you? : more production
Rationing means a fair share for all of us
Ours ... to fight for : freedom from fear
Ours ... to fight for : freedom from fear
Ours ... to fight for : freedom from fear
Ours ... to fight for : freedom from fear
Ours ... to fight for : freedom from fear
Ours ... to fight for : freedom from want
Ours ... to fight for : freedom from want
Ours ... to fight for : freedom from want
Ours ... to fight for : freedom from want
Ours ... to fight for : freedom of speech : freedom of worship : freedom from want : freedom from fear
Save freedom of speech : buy war bonds
Save freedom of speech : buy war bonds
Save freedom of speech : buy war bonds
Save freedom of speech : buy war bonds
She's a swell plane -- give us more! : more production
She's a swell plane -- give us more! : more production
They've got more important places to go than you! ... : save rubber : check your tires now
United : the United Nations fight for freedom
Buy war bonds : more tomahawks : for our united warriors : buy war bonds : now!
Keep 'em coming : and coming right!
Careless talk : got there first