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Say aren't you supposed to be turning out tanks with the rest of the boys?
The Sky's the limit! : keep buying war bonds
The Sky's the limit! : keep buying war bonds
Together we win : get behind your labor-management committee
Your war bonds are a stake in the future
Hey gang! : keep on licking war savings stamps -- they're full of vitamin : "V" : the new triple-threat : schools --
Hey gang! : keep on licking war savings stamps -- they're full of vitamin : "V" : the new triple-threat : schools --
Don't shiver next winter : order coal now! : Solid Fuel Administration for War : Washington, D. C.
Don't shiver next winter : order coal now! : Solid Fuel Administration for War : Washington, D. C.
A Careless word : ... another cross
For freedom's sake : buy war bonds
For freedom's sake : buy war bonds
For freedom's sake : buy war bonds
For freedom's sake : buy war bonds
More firepower to 'em!
Veterans : job in the federal government are open to you : you get preference in appointment : for full information
Buy a share in : America : war savings bonds and stamps
"Bundles for Berlin" : more production!
The United Nations fight for freedom
The United Nations fight for freedom