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Lawsuit between Don Pedro Dávila and Don Francisco Xavier de las Casas over the lease of Indian lands in the parish of San Damián at Guaranga de Checa in the province of Huarochirí, Peru,
Representacion verdadera, y exclamacion rendida y lamentable, que toda la Nacion Indiana haze ã la Magestad del Señor Rey de las Españas, y Emperador de las Indias, el Señor D.n Fernando el Sexto : pidiendo los atienda y remedie sacandolos del afientoso vituperio, y oprobio en que estàn, mas ha de dos cientos años
Diario de la guerra de los Guaranies año de 1754
Livro dos termos das Junta de missoes que setariam nesta cappitania do Pará em que se julgavam as liberdades dos Indios, cujas Juntas foram extintas com a ley das liberdades que se publicou nesta cidade aos 29 de mayo de 1756 : Secretaria do est. do Pará,
Contemporary notarial transcript of ten decrees or judgements by Dom Manoel de Gouvea Alvares, Ouvidor-Geral of the Alagoas captaincy in northeastern Brazil, concerning the resettlement of three Brazilian Indian villages,
Recurso de la provincia del Paraguay de la Compañia de Jesus al tribunal de la verdad, y de la innocencia en causa de la execucion, y resultas del tratado de limites entra España y Portugal,
A new and correct map of North America with the West India Islands : divided according to the last Treaty of Peace, concluded at Paris the 20th of Jan. 1783. wherein are particularly distinguished the thirteen provinces wich [sic] compose the United States of North America
A sermon on the subject of the slave trade, delivered to a society of Protestant dissenters, at the new meeting, in Birmingham, and published at their request
Remarks upon the situation of Negroes in Jamaica : impartially made from a local experience of nearly thirteen years in that island
Histoire abrégée des voyages de Mr. François Bernard, et de la captivité ou esclavage chez les sauvages du Canada,