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William G. Purcell Alexander Brothers business card
Which belt would you choose to transmit your power? : a pulley-slip or a rim-grip belt?
Which belt would you choose to transmit your power? A pulley-slip or a rim-grip belt?
Where you want it - when you want it
What is a customer : a customer is a permanent prospect. . .
We offer this chart as proof. . .
We are just as proud of the kind of people who use Alexander Leather as we are of the stuff itself
Vilken rem foredrager Ni for Edert behov?
Treasured in the hills as coal and water. . . : Alexander
The year 1919 at a glance : : make it clean quality, trouble free
The value of many useful things that can be made from leather depends upon the quality of the leather itself. . . :
The oil cups know it's an : Alexander
The nation has selected its men and materials with experienced judgment. . . : Alexander Brothers : Philadelphia
The International Trade Mark
The International Idea
The high mark on leather : Alexander Brothers, Philadelphia
The high mark on leather : Alexander Brothers, Philadelphia
The high mark on leather : Alexander Brothers, Philadelphia
The high mark on leather
The high mark on leather
The dominant mark on belting
The black beauty of beltdom
The Alexander dreadnaut belt is waterproof
The Alexander belt is made in one grade only - the highest : Richie, Crawford Co. : Philadelphia
The Alexander belt is made in one grade only -- the highest.
Round belting : made by Charlotte leather belting company : Charlotte, N.C.
"Production and Profits" depend more largely on leather belting than most manufacturers realize. . .
Price list and discounts : Alexander Brothers
Power a plenty - when pulled by : Alexander
Never in all its history has the Charlotte Leather Belt stood so high in the esteem of the Nation's manufacturers
Millions of miles a day
Making leather belting the way Alexander makes it is after all really a super leather specialty. . . : Alexander and
Location : a factor in distribution and service
Letter book for International Leather and Belting Corporation
Let Alexander shoulder your power load
Let Alexander : shoulder your power load
Let Alexander shoulder your load - for he's a brainy, brawny fellow, too big to be staggered and too powerful to be
Let Alexander rim-grip every power pulley in your plant
Let Alexander get a tight grip on your pulley
Let Alexander : feed the power to your plant
Let Alexander feed the power to your plant
Let Alexander : drive the work out of your machines
International Leather & Belting Corporation : Pittsburgh Office : 39 Terminal Way
International Leather & Belting Corporation : executive offices : 511 Fifth Avenue, New York
International Leather and Belting Corporation trademark
International Leather and Belting Corporation return envelope
International Leather and Belting Corporation envelope
International Leather and Belting Corporation : 49-63 Middletown Avenue : New Haven, Conn.
Institutional advertising : what it means to your sales
In all trades there stands alone one envied mark. . .Alexander Brothers Philadelphia