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Record Group 15. Multi-Cultural. Chicano Institute. Chicano MSW Minority Students (Box 459, Folder 8)
Personal. European Diary (Box 7, Folder 23)
Club Histories. Army-Navy Clubs. Farrell, PA (African American), 1943-1946. (Box 59, Folder 4)
Club Histories. Army-Navy Clubs. Newport, RI (African American), 1912, 1944-1950. (Box 60, Folder 9)
FAN Justice for Mexican Farm Workers, 1998-1999 (Box 1, Folder 31)
La Raza Center Events, 1976-1999 (Box 1, Folder 36)
Standard Atlas of Wabasha County, Minnesota
World's Committee, War Prisoners Aid, Correspondence/papers, 1939-1942 (Box 26, Folder 29)
World's Committee, War Prisoners Aid, Correspondence/papers, 1943-1944 (Box 26, Folder 30)
Alphabetical Files, Ca-Col, 1964-1974. Campus Demonstrations. Morrill Hall Take-Over. (Box 5, Folder 4)
Alphabetical Files, Ca-Col, 1964-1974. Campus Demonstrations. Student Unrest. (Box 5, Folder 10)
Alphabetical Files, Ca-Col, 1964-1974. Campus Demonstrations. Student Unrest. (Box 5, Folder 8)
Jewish Fellowship News, Volume 37, Number 3, November 1972
Subject Files 1954-1999, Captive Nations, 1977-1981 (Box 30, Folder 15)
Hi-Y. Hi-Y Council/Committee Minutes. Hi-Y Council Minutes, 1950-1951 (Box 37, Folder 5)
General and Administrative. Assemblies and Conferences. National YMCA-YWCA Conference for High School Youth, 1946-1947 (Box 32, Folder 12)
Hi-Y. Hi-Y Programming. Massachusetts and Rhode Island Hi-Y Guidepost, 1936-1958 (Box 32, Folder 40)
Youth in Government. Minnesota Youth and Government, 1946-1973 (Box 40, Folder 12)
Jewish Fellowship News, Volume 45, Number 4, June 2001
Camping. Bob Telleen Files. Camping Materials B, 1990-2000 (Box 39, Folder 14)