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Youth Council Projects Radio Tougaloo, 1964-1965. (Box 54, Folder 21)
Youth Council Projects Books for Equal Education, 1964-1965. (Box 54, Folder 16)
Youth circle of the national Slovak society
Youth circle
Youth: Benjamin Franklin 1707-1726
Youth Band
Youth awards ceremonies, 1940s-1970s. (Box 48, Folder 1)
Youth Are There (long version)
Youth Archery Practice
Youth and life
Youth and Government Hi-Y program, Oklahoma
You Take the High Road
You serve us we want to serve you -- let us help you to have a Merrie Christmas : let us be hostesses to you and you
You serve by saving : buy war savings certificates : $5 for $4 $10 for $8 $25 for $20 $50 for $40 $100 for $80
Your work means victory : build another one : United States Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation
Your war bonds are a stake in the future
Your victory garden : counts more than ever!
Your victory garden : counts more than ever!
Your tips : they will be as much appreciated if given in Thrift Stamps and you'll be helping Uncle Sam : W.S.S. : Wa
Your tin makes : engine parts : for army lorries : thank you, Nigeria!
Your tanks in action : thank you, Nigeria!
Your tanks in action : thank you, Basutoland!
Your store can provide : salvage for victory: America's war factories need scrap metals old rubber waste paper old r
Your 'Spitfires' in action : thank you, Trinidad!
Your 'Spitfires' in action : thank you, Sierra Leone!
Your 'Spitfires' in action : thank you, Nyasaland!
Your 'Spitfires' in action : thank you, Nigeria!
Your 'Spitfires' in action : thank you, Malta!
Your 'Spitfires' in action : thank you, Leeward Islands!
Your 'Spitfires' in action : thank you, Kenya!
Your 'Spitfires' in action : thank you, Gibraltar!
Your 'Spitfires' in action : thank you, Gambia!
Your 'Spitfires' in action : thank you, Bermuda!
Your 'Spitfires' in action : thank you, Bechuanaland!
Your 'Spitfire' in action : thank you, Tonga!
Yours eyes : can stop the saboteur : be ever watchful!
Your Sex Partner for Life
Your seaplane in action : thank you, Mauritius!
Your Right to Read
Your Right to Knowledge and Your Right to learn, Talk #2
Your Right to Knowledge and Your Right to Learn, Talk #1
Your right of way : to victory : buy : victory bonds : and keep them
Your : Red Cross : is at his side : 1944 War Fund
Your recreation huts in action : thank you, Uganda!
Your ration board : these folks are your neighbors : .... help them help you!
Your production : beat your promise
Your palm kernels when cracked : help to feed the empire's fighting men : crack for victory
Your : OPA : program : to assure the necessities of life in wartime : price control, rent control, rationing : how
Your Negro Neighbor
Your navy : spearhead of victory : Navy Day : October 27