This folder contains materials created/collected by the American Public Welfare Association. A group of public welfare officials attending the 1929 National Conference of Social Work (NCSW) in San Francisco agreed there was a need for an independent professional organization of their own. The American Association of Public Welfare Officials, org...
American Public Welfare Association
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Social Welfare History Archives.
This folder contains materials created/collected by the American Public Welfare Association. A group of public welfare officials attending the 1929 National Conference of Social Work (NCSW) in San Francisco agreed there was a need for an independent professional organization of their own. The American Association of Public Welfare Officials, org...
American Public Welfare Association
1960 - 1962
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Social Welfare History Archives.
This folder contains materials created/collected by the American Public Welfare Association. A group of public welfare officials attending the 1929 National Conference of Social Work (NCSW) in San Francisco agreed there was a need for an independent professional organization of their own. The American Association of Public Welfare Officials, org...
American Public Welfare Association
1960 - 1962
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Social Welfare History Archives.
This folder contains materials created/collected by the American Public Welfare Association. A group of public welfare officials attending the 1929 National Conference of Social Work (NCSW) in San Francisco agreed there was a need for an independent professional organization of their own. The American Association of Public Welfare Officials, org...
American Public Welfare Association
1960 - 1962
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Social Welfare History Archives.
This folder contains materials created/collected by the American Public Welfare Association. A group of public welfare officials attending the 1929 National Conference of Social Work (NCSW) in San Francisco agreed there was a need for an independent professional organization of their own. The American Association of Public Welfare Officials, org...
American Public Welfare Association
1960 - 1962
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Social Welfare History Archives.
This folder contains materials created/collected by the American Public Welfare Association. A group of public welfare officials attending the 1929 National Conference of Social Work (NCSW) in San Francisco agreed there was a need for an independent professional organization of their own. The American Association of Public Welfare Officials, org...
American Public Welfare Association
1961 - 1962
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Social Welfare History Archives.
Recent work with collaborators has been focused on understanding thedifferent features regarding well-posedness and regularity issues of the incompressible porous media and the surface quasi-geostrophic equation. In this talk we will discuss solutions with infinite energy and contour dynamics of patches.
Cà³rdoba, Diego (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientàficas (CSIC))
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
Contrasting the widespread application of data science methods and ever increasing volumes of data, human supervision capacities remain limited. Thus, the efficient allocation of limited resources is required, for example by selection of data for inspection, annotation, or processing.In this talk, we study active sampling approaches, which provi...
Krempl, Georg (Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
We begin from reviewing two concepts, motility in living systems, and active matter (also known as active materials). The main part of the talk is concerned with PDE models of two specific types of active matter: (i) suspensions of swimming bacteria and (ii) active gels that are networks of cross linked filaments subjected to action of energy tr...
Berlyand, Leonid (The Pennsylvania State University)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
Adaptive sampling, also called 'Active Learning', uses informationgleaned from previous measurements (e.g., feedback) to guide and focusthe sampling process. Theoretical and experimental results have shownthat adaptive sampling can dramatically outperform conventionalnon-adaptive sampling schemes. I will review some of the mostencouraging theore...
Nowak, Robert (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
In this work we discuss the problem of active learning. We present an approach 2 that is based on A-optimal experimental design of ill-posed problems and show 3 how one can optimally label a data set by partially probing it, and use it to train 4 a deep network. We present two approaches that make different assumptions on 5 the data set. The fir...
Haber, Eldad (University of British Columbia)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
We present a novel active learning algorithm for community detection on networks. Our proposed algorithm uses a Maximal Expected Model Change (MEMC) criterion for querying network nodes label assignments. MEMC detects nodes that maximally change the community assignment likelihood model following a query. Our work is inspired by detection in the...
Kushnir, Dan (Nokia Bell Labs)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
Clustering and ranking is often based on pairwise similarities (metric data) or comparisons (ordinal data). Most methods assume that the entire collection of all possible pairwise similarities or comparisons are known, but in high-dimensional settings there may be missing data and/or the costs of collecting this information may be prohibitive. T...
Nowak, Robert (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
This is an episode of the Causenetic podcast, created by staff members of the YMCA of Metropolitan Dallas from 2019 to 2023. The podcast focused on promoting awareness of the YMCA’s mission to new audiences and providing conversation, inspiration, and influence on various timely community topics. The description that accompanied this Causenetic ...
Ross, Rodrigua; Vinson, Keith
Leonard, La Shae; Frederick, David; YMCA of Metropolitan Dallas
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Kautz Family YMCA Archives.