Adire; gridwork pattern with various motifs in each block, border on each end of small tied circles; fabric is stitched or corded on one side with two lengths stitched together down center. Color: indigo and light blue
Adire alabere; lizard motif without rectangular frame (exact placement head to tail produces static quality), background is composed of wavy lines and dots. Color: indigo and light blue
Adire eleko; four pattern sequence repeated in each row, squares combine recurring leaf patterns with geometric patterns including "wire." Color: indigo and light blue
Adire alabere; two lengths stitched together lengthwise, all-over pattern of diamond grid with alternating horizontal and vertical stripes, border on ends is comprised of small tied circles. Color" indigo and light blue
We present a direct imaging algorithm for both the location and geometry of extended targets. Our algorithm is based on a physical factorization of the response matrix of an active array. A resolution and noise level based thresholding is used for regularization. Our algorithm is extremely simple and efficient since no forward solver or iteratio...
Zhao, Hongkai (University of California, Irvine)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
I will present a direct constrained minimization (DCM) algorithmfor solving the Kohn-Sham equations. The key ingredients of thisalgorithm involve projecting the Kohn-Sham total energy functionalinto a sequences of subspaces of small dimensions and seeking theminimizer of total energy functional within each subspace. Theminimizer of a subspace en...
Yang, Chao (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.