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Victor Vital
Victory against the Portuguese in Borore., 1644.
Victory! : -- and non-stop work will speed it! : let's go, everybody : keep 'em firing!
Victory Apple
Victory at the front depends upon work done at home : enrol to-day for National Service : service employment forms h
Victory Battle Map, United States Army (Box 2, Folder 4)
Victory begins at home : after all, the soldiers of America have taken up their arms to enforce one principle -- tha
Victory bread : four fifths wheat flour one fifth substitutes : wheat flour pounds... : substitutes pounds... : tota
Victory Celebration Cake
Victory Garden, Philadelphia YMCA
Victory : honor and admiration to the gallant and brave warrior in the great World War
Victory Hut, Battery Park, N.Y.C.
Victory in the making : "sighted sub sank same" : the equipment you and I make serves our armed forces ... : on land
Victory is a question of stamina : send -- the wheat meat fats sugar : the fuel for fighters
Victory : is in your hands! : tighten your grip : get into war work
Victory : is in your hands! : tighten your grip : get into war work
Victory -- : now you can invest in it! : victory loan
Victory-- : now you can invest in it! : victory loan
Victory of the allies is assured
Victory of the Allies is assured