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10143 - 40 of 215561 results
Addition to Central District Power
Addition to Central District Power
Addition to Building Front/ Mr. Keogh
Addition to Building F.Mr. Keogh
Addition to Arlington Playground Building, Steam System with Unit Heater, Main Floor Heating Plan
Addition to Arlington Playground Building, Steam System with Unit Heater, Basement Heating Plan
Addition to Arlington Playground Building, Section Showing New Stage, Kitchen and Furnace Room
Addition to Arlington Playground Building, Main Floor Plan
Additions to Residence for Dr. and Mrs. Herman J. Moersch, Sheet 2, Foundation Plan and Garage Elevations
Additions to Residence for Dr. and Mrs. Herman J. Moersch, Sheet 1, First Floor Plan
Additions and Alterations to Como Golf Club House, Second Floor Plan and Cross Section
Additions and Alterations to Como Golf Club House, Rear Elevation (West)
Additions and Alterations to Como Golf Club House, Front Elevation (East)
Additions and Alterations to Como Golf Club House, First Floor Plan
Additions and Alterations to Como Golf Club House, First Floor Plan
Additions and Alterations to Como Golf Club House, Details
Additions and Alterations to Como Golf Club House, Basement Floor Plan
Addition for Indiana Hospital for Insane
Addition for Indiana Hospital for Insane
Addition for Indiana Hospital for Insane