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10145 - 40 of 213692 results
Treasure Room backdrop.
Treasure room cut drop with bars in a large archway.
Treasure room cut drop with netting.
Treasure room interior with plum colored draperies.
Treasure room lit by a small window.
Treasury backdrop.
Treasury cut drop with large stone arch and purple draperies.
Treasury room portal with red draperies.
Treasury with hanging tapestries; one scrim panel in upper left crypt and one practical draped doorway.
Tree covered hills with a central cavern opening.
Tree cut out
Tree Tormentor
Triangle Restaurant
Trimble , Dr and Mrs Bruce
Tri-State Ice Cream Corporation plant
Tropical scene with water, pagodas, and mountains.
Turk Furniture
Twisted tree trunks with two scrim openings in the center.
Two columns with path leading to river.
Tyger Tyger