Construction progress photo showing columns and partial façade of Adath Jeshurun, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Liebenberg and Kaplan, Architects (1919-1969) designed private residences, commercial properties, including over 200 theaters, and many churches and synagogues in the Upper Midwest.
Liebenberg and Kaplan
1940 - 1960
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Northwest Architectural Archives.
Construction progress photo of Adath Jeshurun, Minneapolis, Minnesota, showing workers with sign referring to the concrete pile-driving work. Liebenberg and Kaplan, Architects (1919-1969) designed private residences, commercial properties, including over 200 theaters, and many churches and synagogues in the Upper Midwest.
Liebenberg and Kaplan
1940 - 1960
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Northwest Architectural Archives.
View of unidentified group outside on lawn. Possibly future construction site of temple, Adath Jeshurun, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Ground-breaking ceremony? Liebenberg and Kaplan, Architects (1919-1969) designed private residences, commercial properties, including over 200 theaters, and many churches and synagogues in the Upper Midwest. Liebenberg...
Liebenberg and Kaplan
1940 - 1960
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Northwest Architectural Archives.
Construction progress photo of Adath Jeshurun, Minneapolis, Minnesota, showing structural framework of the synagogue building. Liebenberg and Kaplan, Architects (1919-1969) designed private residences, commercial properties, including over 200 theaters, and many churches and synagogues in the Upper Midwest.
Liebenberg and Kaplan
1940 - 1960
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Northwest Architectural Archives.
Construction progress photo showing nearly-completed façade of Adath Jeshurun, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Liebenberg and Kaplan, Architects (1919-1969) designed private residences, commercial properties, including over 200 theaters, and many churches and synagogues in the Upper Midwest.
Liebenberg and Kaplan
1940 - 1960
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Northwest Architectural Archives.
Construction progress photo of Adath Jeshurun, Minneapolis, Minnesota, showing workers with sign referring to the concrete pile-driving work. Liebenberg and Kaplan, Architects (1919-1969) designed private residences, commercial properties, including over 200 theaters, and many churches and synagogues in the Upper Midwest.
Liebenberg and Kaplan
1940 - 1960
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Northwest Architectural Archives.
Construction progress photo of Adath Jeshurun, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Liebenberg and Kaplan, Architects (1919-1969) designed private residences, commercial properties, including over 200 theaters, and many churches and synagogues in the Upper Midwest.
Liebenberg and Kaplan
1940 - 1960
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Northwest Architectural Archives.
Construction progress photo of Adath Jeshurun, Minneapolis, Minnesota, showing structural framework of the synagogue building. Liebenberg and Kaplan, Architects (1919-1969) designed private residences, commercial properties, including over 200 theaters, and many churches and synagogues in the Upper Midwest.
Liebenberg and Kaplan
1940 - 1960
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Northwest Architectural Archives.
Adath Jeshurun full exterior at 3400 Dupont Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Inscibed in Corinthian columns are the words "Hear O Israel: The Lord Our Savior is One," The Adath Jeshurun congregation remained at 34th and Dupont until 1993 when the First Universalist Church acquired the space.
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Nathan and Theresa Berman Upper Midwest Jewish Archives.
Adath Jeshurun exterior at 3400 Dupont Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Inscibed in Corinthian columns are the words "Hear O Israel: The Lord Our Savior is One," The Adath Jeshurun congregation remained at 34th and Dupont until 1993 when the First Universalist Church acquired the space.
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Nathan and Theresa Berman Upper Midwest Jewish Archives.
Adath Jeshurun Congregation, the Clarion bulletin cover, Minneapolis, Minnesota. In this issue- Volume 87 number 17, the front page tells "Women Now Included in Minyan at Adath." In October 1991 the members voted to build a new synagogue in Minnetonka, Minnesota.
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Nathan and Theresa Berman Upper Midwest Jewish Archives.
Adath Jeshurun Congregation, South Side Neighborhood House, Minneapolis, Minnesota at 9th street and 12th Ave, south Minneapolis. During a time of growth during Rabbi Matt’s years, holding classes and services in the rented Lagoon Hall on Hennepin Avenue in 1921-1927, the old synagogue building was sold to the National CounciI of Jewish Women to...
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Nathan and Theresa Berman Upper Midwest Jewish Archives.
Confirmation students in graduation dress, posed with their teacher at Adath Jeshurun. Confirmation is a coming of age practice for post Bar and Bat Mitzvahs. It was originally developed by the Reform movement to follow bar- and bat-mitzvahs in the belief that thirteen year olds were not yet ready to be considered adult and should continue on in...
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Nathan and Theresa Berman Upper Midwest Jewish Archives.
Confirmation students in graduation dress, posed with their teacher at Adath Jeshurun. Adath Jeshurun was located on the South Side in a building designed by the architect Jack Leibenberg. In the late 1990s the congregation relocated to Minnetonka. Rabbi Gordon is in the back row wearing the tallit.
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Nathan and Theresa Berman Upper Midwest Jewish Archives.
Adas Israel Congregation Synagogue exterior, Duluth Minnesota. Adas Israel was located at the corner of East Third Street and Third Avenue East in Duluth, Minnesota, compleated in 1902. In September of 2019 a fire caused the entire structure to be a loss, however firefighters managed to save eight of the fourteen Torah scrolls inside. Investigat...
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Nathan and Theresa Berman Upper Midwest Jewish Archives.