Organized by the State Fair, the University of Minnesota, and the Minnesota Grape Growers Association. Over 300 wines entered , from commercial wineries in 12 states. The industry revolves around cold hardy wine grapes developed by the University of Minnesota's Agricultural Experiment Station, project #21-016, "Breeding and Genetics of Fruit Cro...
Hansen, David L., 1952-
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station.
Organized by the State Fair, the University of Minnesota, and the Minnesota Grape Growers Association. Over 300 wines entered , from commercial wineries in 12 states. The industry revolves around cold hardy wine grapes developed by the University of Minnesota's Agricultural Experiment Station, project #21-016, "Breeding and Genetics of Fruit Cro...
Hansen, David L., 1952-
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station.
Organized by the State Fair, the University of Minnesota, and the Minnesota Grape Growers Association. Over 300 wines entered , from commercial wineries in 12 states. The industry revolves around cold hardy wine grapes developed by the University of Minnesota's Agricultural Experiment Station, project #21-016, "Breeding and Genetics of Fruit Cro...
Hansen, David L., 1952-
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station.
Organized by the State Fair, the University of Minnesota, and the Minnesota Grape Growers Association. Over 300 wines entered , from commercial wineries in 12 states. The industry revolves around cold hardy wine grapes developed by the University of Minnesota's Agricultural Experiment Station, project #21-016, "Breeding and Genetics of Fruit Cro...
Hansen, David L., 1952-
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station.
A method to construct M\"obius invariant weighted inner products on the tangent spaces of the knot space by using M\"obius invariant knot energies will be introduced. It gives M\"obius invariant gradients of such energies."
O'Hara, Jun (Chiba University)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.