French receipt, several pages long, for making a copy of "The Immortal Swan", a film starring Anna Pavlova. The receipt is dated January 26, 1939, and has the name Monsieur Lebreton on it. The film canister labels from this copy can be found in B59F04_55
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Special Collections and Rare Books.
This is an issue of one of the Survey family of periodicals. The Survey was titled the Charities Review, Charities and the Commons in earlier stages. From 1912 the Survey was published weekly, but because weekly publication was prohibitively expensive and because of a constant clash between readers seeking technical material and readers seeking ...
Survey Associates
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Social Welfare History Archives.
This is an issue of one of the Survey family of periodicals. The Survey was titled the Charities Review, Charities and the Commons in earlier stages. From 1912 the Survey was published weekly, but because weekly publication was prohibitively expensive and because of a constant clash between readers seeking technical material and readers seeking ...
Survey Associates
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Social Welfare History Archives.