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Plate Book, R. G. Chase & Col., Nurserymen, Geneva, N. Y. No. 934
Plate Book, The R. G. Chase Company, Genevea, N. Y., No. 503
Colliding Interfaces in Different Diffuse Approximations of the Willmore Flow
Lecture 2
West Point of the air : flying cadets : U.S. Army Air Corps
Interview with Dr. Frank Rhame
Cellular cosheaves for distributed computation of persistent homology
Dmitri Hvorostovsky Headshot
Theatrum belli in America Septentrionali : II. foliis comprehensum / jussu Acad[emiis] Reg[iis] Scient[iarum] et Eleg[antium] Litt[erarum] exhibet ; I. C. Rhode Ac[ademiae?] Geogr[aphus?] ; Berger, sculpsit Berol[ini].
Interview with Tatiana Riabokin