Base compiled in 1976 from USGS 1:24 000-scale topographic maps dated 1960-1972, revised from aerial photographs taken 1975; interpretations derived from soil map constructed 1974.; "Projection and 10 000-meter grid ticks, zone 16: Universal Transverse Mercator."; "25 000-foot grid ticks based on Illinois coordinate system, east zone."; May 1979...
United States. Soil Conservation Service
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, John R. Borchert Map Library.
Base source: USGS 1:100,000 county base compiled in 1976; interpretations derived from soil map constructed 1972.; "Projection and 10,000-metre grid ticks, zone 16: Universal Transverse Mercator. 25,000-foot grid ticks based on Indiana coordinate system, west zone."; Feb. 1978.; Includes location map.
United States. Soil Conservation Service
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, John R. Borchert Map Library.
Base source: USGS 1:100,000 county base map dated 1975; interpretations derived from soil map constructed 1973.; "Projection and 10,000-metre grid ticks, zone 14, Universal Transverse Mercator. 25,000-foot grid ticks based on South Dakota coordinate system, south zone."; Feb. 1978.; Includes location map.
United States. Soil Conservation Service
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, John R. Borchert Map Library.