Man speaking at podium for an unidentified event at University of Southern California. 6 large panels behind him show various architectural buildings and features.
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Northwest Architectural Archives.
Pencil sketch of an island coastline, viewed from the island interior, looking outward. Many pencil lines leading to headlands, craters, hills, and other features of the island. Though the identity of the island is unclear, the "Zaca" is labeled, indicating that the image was created during the 1934-1935 Templeton Crocker Expedition.
Pen and pencil map of a volcanic island, only partially inked in. Extensive hatching indicating topography of an island with multiple volcanic calderas. No inscriptions to indicate which island is portrayed.
Black and white photograph of Marin Mazzie. Signed: "To the Minnesota Orch[estra]- Thank you for fabulous music making. A pleasure! Best always, Marin Mazzie"
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Performing Arts Archives.
Black and white photograph of Mark Wigglesworth. Signed: "To the wonderful Minnesota orchestra whose ability and attitude is a constant inspiration. With gratitude, Mark Wigglesworth"
Schrickel, William
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Performing Arts Archives.
Two pencil drawings on one sheet, divided by a horizontal line stretching the length of the sheet roughly one third down from the top of the sheet. Upper drawing: rough sketch of a long-necked bird in flight, its wings almost entirely cut off by the top of she sheet. With its long neck, this is almost certainly an anhinga, sometimes called a sna...
Black and white photograph of tenor Matthew Polenzani. Signed: "TO AN AMAZING ORCHESTA- What a pleasure to make music with you! With much thanks - Matthew Polenzani"
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Performing Arts Archives.
Black and white photograph of Matthew Trusler with violin. Signed: "To the wonderful Minnesota orchestra- I wish I could move in with you all! Very best wishes, Matthew"
Brabazon, James
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Performing Arts Archives.