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Incoming Correspondence, O-W (Box 27, Folder 248)
Increased striking power of : coastal command -- R.A.F
Independence July 4, 1776 : "...and for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance, on the protection of
"Industry is an indispensable factor in war. there can be no line of demarcation between the man who uses a weapon a
Industry .. the arsenal of democracy : defense in the air begins on the ground : ".. it all depends on me!"
Industry .. the arsenal of democracy : defense in the field begins in the factory : ".. it all depends on me!"
Industry .. the arsenal of democracy : defense of our liberty begins in the factory : ".. it all depends on me!"
Industry .. the arsenal of democracy : defense on the sea begins on the shore : ".. it all depends on me!"
Industry .. the arsenal of democracy : "... it is not the individual or the army as a whole, but the everlastin' te
In port after successful patrol duties