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10369 - 40 of 213760 results
William Hensley
William Herbert Dunn, Minneapolis, Minnesota
William Hunton, Jesse Moorland, and George Haynes in Moorland's back yard, 1907
William J. Luyten interviewed on his life and his experiences at the University of Minnesota
William Kilgore and game warden at Spraque Pipit's nest
William Kilgore and Thaddeus Surber at car
William Kilgore and Walter Breckenridge taking movies of Cliff Swallows in Dell Rapids, South Dakota
William Kilgore and Walter J. Breckenridge
William Kilgore at Connecticut Warbler nest
William Kilgore at movie machine taking a Cliff Swallow colony
William Kilgore at movie machine taking Cliff Swallow colony
William Kilgore at Nelson Sparrow nest
William Kilgore at Nelson Sparrow nest
William Kilgore Jr. and Thomas Sadler Roberts wearing "head-nets" at Itasca State Park
William Kilgore Jr. standing amidst the Spruce trees near the library building at the Forestry School
William Kilgore Jr., standing on Spirit Island, Lake Mille Lacs, showing flat rock in foreground
William Kilgore pointing at a Bluebird's nest in vase in Lakewood Cemetery
William Kilgore,R.J. Doubenmire, Margaret Prescott, and Ellen Wilson, Bird Class 1935
William Kilgore,R.J. Doubenmire, Margaret Prescott, and Ellen Wilson, Bird Class 1935
William Kilgore, Walter Breckenridge, and R. Conner standing next to car and closed trailer