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Sunday morning meeting of student YMCA clubs of Taiyuanfu, China
Sunday on the Wannigan (Basswood Lodge)
Sunday School
Sundown #1
Sundown with Mattie Clark
Sunflower field at Felton, Minnesota
Sunflower leaf arrangement
Sunrise from Barn Bluff in Red Wing
Sunset Glow on Mount Hood
Superintendent's house, building #29, built 1913, view west
Superior, Wisconsin Women's League event
Super S-Pion
Support for the Farmworkers, undated (Box 1, Folder 56)
Surat jari border
Surat jari sari border
Susan Graham Headshot
Susan Starr Headshot
Susan Zuckman's grandmother's store in Des Moines, Iowa
Susie Creamcheese