This photograph is part of a series created by Hugo Skrastins documenting his voyage from Bremerhaven in Germany to New York City aboard a displaced persons transport ship in 1950. Hugo Skrastins spent the previous years in the Displaced Persons camp at Meersbeck, Germany, before he departed from Bremerhaven on July 16, 1950, aboard the USAT Gen...
Skrastins, Hugo
1950-07-16 - 1950-07-27
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Immigration History Research Center Archives.
This photograph is part of a series created by Hugo Skrastins documenting his voyage from Bremerhaven in Germany to New York City aboard a displaced persons transport ship in 1950. Hugo Skrastins spent the previous years in the Displaced Persons camp at Meersbeck, Germany, before he departed from Bremerhaven on July 16, 1950, aboard the USAT Gen...
Skrastins, Hugo
1950-07-16 - 1950-07-27
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Immigration History Research Center Archives.
This photograph is part of a series created by Hugo Skrastins documenting his voyage from Bremerhaven in Germany to New York City aboard a displaced persons transport ship in 1950. Hugo Skrastins spent the previous years in the Displaced Persons camp at Meersbeck, Germany, before he departed from Bremerhaven on July 16, 1950, aboard the USAT Gen...
Skrastins, Hugo
1950-07-16 - 1950-07-27
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Immigration History Research Center Archives.
This photograph is part of a series created by Hugo Skrastins documenting his voyage from Bremerhaven in Germany to New York City aboard a displaced persons transport ship in 1950. Hugo Skrastins spent the previous years in the Displaced Persons camp at Meersbeck, Germany, before he departed from Bremerhaven on July 16, 1950, aboard the USAT Gen...
Skrastins, Hugo
1950-07-16 - 1950-07-27
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Immigration History Research Center Archives.
This photograph is part of a series created by Hugo Skrastins documenting his voyage from Bremerhaven in Germany to New York City aboard a displaced persons transport ship in 1950. Hugo Skrastins spent the previous years in the Displaced Persons camp at Meersbeck, Germany, before he departed from Bremerhaven on July 16, 1950, aboard the USAT Gen...
Skrastins, Hugo
1950-07-16 - 1950-07-27
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Immigration History Research Center Archives.
This photograph is part of a series created by Hugo Skrastins documenting his voyage from Bremerhaven in Germany to New York City aboard a displaced persons transport ship in 1950. Hugo Skrastins spent the previous years in the Displaced Persons camp at Meersbeck, Germany, before he departed from Bremerhaven on July 16, 1950, aboard the USAT Gen...
Skrastins, Hugo
1950-07-16 - 1950-07-27
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Immigration History Research Center Archives.
This photograph is part of a series created by Hugo Skrastins documenting his voyage from Bremerhaven in Germany to New York City aboard a displaced persons transport ship in 1950. Hugo Skrastins spent the previous years in the Displaced Persons camp at Meersbeck, Germany, before he departed from Bremerhaven on July 16, 1950, aboard the USAT Gen...
Skrastins, Hugo
1950-07-16 - 1950-07-27
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Immigration History Research Center Archives.
Tiffani Skroch shares her experiences as a college student living and working during the COVID-19 pandemic. She recalls sitting in class when her Apple Watch buzzed with a news update about Coronavirus numbers rising, and remembers this moment to be the one when she took more seriously what was happening. She lists some of the mainstream news so...
Skroch, Tiffani
Nicklawske, Mark
Contributed By:
Archives and Special Collections, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University of Minnesota Duluth
Jackson was a beloved and respected Fond du Lac Ojibwe medicine man or healer. He referred to himself as an "Indian doctor." At about age thirty-two, Jackson started using his gift to heal people, work he continued to do for over five decades. He saw people from all over the United States and Canada for healing as well as naming ceremonies. Jack...
Slabbaert-Norrgard, Lorraine; Norrgard, Phillip H.
Contributed By:
Archives and Special Collections, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University of Minnesota Duluth
Tygra Slarii is a Black trans woman from Omaha and Arizona. She discusses her family relationships, talks about her thoughts on the trans community here versus the community in Omaha. She also discusses her different experiences with theater and drag, and the relationship between the drag community and the trans community.
Slarii, Tygra
Jenkins, Andrea (Interviewer)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Jean-Nickolaus Tretter Collection in Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Studies.