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Dobie Hunegs' Scrapbook Photographs
Dobie Hunegs' Scrapbook Photographs
Dooraunee shepherds.
Dost Mahomed Khan and Part of his Family: Hyder Khan, Governor of Ghuznee; Dost Mahomed Khan; Mahomed Akram Khan; Ab
Dost Mahomed Khan, Ex-Chief of Cabool, - in March, 1841.
Dost Mahommed King of Cabul and his youngest son.
Dourraunnee Chieftains in Full Armor.
Drawing office.
Dressing Station--Quetta Railway Station.
Drunken dance of the eight-armed divinity, Shiva, rock-hewn temple, Elephanta
Dung Dryer, Madras
Durbar Horseman, In the service and pay of the Rao of Cutch.
Dusasumade Gaut, at Bernares, on the Ganges.
Dusaswumed,h [sic.] Ghat, Benares.
Dus Awtar, Caves of Ellora.
Eastern Gate of the Jummah Musjid at Delhi.
Eastern Jumna Canal.
East wing Tiger Cave--S. W. into wonderful rock-hewn temple of Elephanta
E.B. Ry. [Eastern Bengal Railway ?]