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Year Book of the Young Men's Christian Associations of the United States and Dominion of Canada, 1888
Year Book of the Young Men's Christian Associations of the United States and Dominion of Canada, 1889
Year Book of the Young Men's Christian Associations of the United States and Dominion of Canada, 1890
Year Book of the Young Men's Christian Associations of the United States and Dominion of Canada, 1891
Yearly quotas
Yehudi Menuhin Headshot
Yellow lady-slipper
Yelu you qi
Yes -- complete victory : if you eat less bread : the food controller's ration is 4 lbs of bread, per person, per we
Yes sir -- I am here! : recruits wanted : Motor Corps of America
'Y' Girl at Aix-les-Bains, France
Y Hut exhibit, Washington, D.C., October 1928
"Y" Hut Soissons
Yi cheng tu
Yiddish letters from Lithuania, Bearman. (Box 8, Folder 36)
Yiddish letters sent to O. Kaner from relative in Lithuania 1929-1938. (Box 1, Folder 7)
Yiddish letters sent to O. Kaner from relative in Lithuania 1929-1938. (Box 1, Folder 8)
Yiddish theater troupe scrapbook album, Landsberg am Lech, Germany
Yiddish Workers of Zion picnic
Yidu xian jing tu