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10556 - 40 of 211350 results
New Wagon Lifting Shop
Nickel platers.
Nilgiri Railway Burliar Tunnel North Portal
No. 10. The New Cawnpore Battery./ No. 11. The Judicial Commissioner's Kutchery (Court-House).
No. 12. Rear view of the Residency, from the Churchyard./ No. 13. The Seikh Yard Breach.
No. 14. Interior of the Residency Billard Room.
No. 15. The Seikh Yard Battery./ No. 16. The Nobut Khana Gateway.
No. 17. The Clock Tower Gateway.
No. 18. View from the Residency Look-out Tower.
No. 19. View from the Highlanders' Post.
No. 1. Baillie Guard Gateway.
No. 20. Anderson's Battery./ No. 21. Havelock's Grave and the Alumbagh Picket-House .
No. 22. Interior of Alumbagh.
No. 23. Jellalabad.
No. 25. Listening for Miners./ No. 24. The Mosque Picket.
No. 26. Lying in Wait./ No. 27 Sinking a Shaft.
No. 2. The Baillie Guard Gateway, from the Nobut Khana (Music Hall)./No. 3. The Residency, from the Water Gate.
No. 4. Mr Gubbin's House./ No. 5. Sander's Post.
No. 6. Front view of the Residency.
No. 7. The Church./ No. 8. The Pedan Battery.