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10582 - 40 of 213760 results
Drafting office
Drawing of a bank bookkeeping machine
Drawing of a card cutting and perforating device
Drawing of a card cutting and perforating device
Drawing of an adding machine
Drawing of a pay envelope machine
Drawing of a typewriter-adder
Drawing of a typewriter-adder keyboard
Drawing of a typwriter-adder
Drawing of Boyer Machine Shop
Drawing of indicator, Azimuth range 1P-367/FST-2
Drawing of Message Console OA-1206/FST-2
Drawing of OA-1204/FST-2 video mapper
Drawing of Regalas II
Drawing of the Detroit facility
Drawing of the Moon-Hopkins billing machine
Dr. George Gordon, Director of the Minneapolis Talmud Torah, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Dr. Morris Shapiro breaks ground for the Variety Club Heart Hospital, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Dual Disk Drive and Disk Pack
Duluth Wildcats men's bowling team, Duluth, Minnesota