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31 - 40 of 792 results
Margaret Crawford, Professor of Architecture, on Garage Sales, March 2010
Marcus Nornes, Professor of Asian Cinema, on Japanese Documentary, November 2007
Marcus Filippello, Professor of History, on Road Development, October 2011
Marco Feingold, Jewish Community Leader, Oct. 2014
Maran Wolston, Philosopher, on Philosophy and Multiple Sclerosis, September 2011
Maran Wolston, Philosopher, on Philosophy and Multiple Sclerosis, November 2011
Maran Wolston, Philosopher, on Philosophy and Multiple Sclerosis, February 2011
Manuel Esnoz, Painter, Oct. 2014
Manfred Huber, Meat Producer, Sep. 2014
Magne Ove Varsi, Sami Rights Leader, on Sami Rights
Mageen Caines, Grad Student in Public Health, on Veterans' Health, November 2012
Madelon Sprengnether, Professor of English, on her Literary Foundations, September 2006
Madelon Sprengnether, Professor of English, on Forms and Films, November 2006
Lynn Lukkas, Professor of Art, on Time, September 2009
Louis Jenkins, Poet, on Evolving as an Artist, Apr. 2014
Lise Lunge-Larsen, Troll Expert, Apr. 2014
Lisa Von Drasek, Children's Literature Librarian, Apr. 2014
Lisa Channer, Professor of Theater, on her Work, January 2013
Lisa Ann Richey and Stefano Ponte, International Studies Researchers, on "Compassionate Consumption", March 2011
Linda Levin, Artist, on the Women's Art Institute, Jul. 2013