Includes travel accounts by Frère Hayton, Wilhelm von Boldensele, Theodericus of Würzburg, Godfrey of Bouillon, Sir John Mandeville, Jacopo da Verona, Joannes de Hese, Jordanus (canonicus osnaburgensis), Henricus de Hispania, and Alexander of Tralles.
von Boldensele, Wilhelm, approximately 1285-approximately 1338; Mandeville, Sir John; de Hese, Joannes; Phillipps, Sir Thomas, 1792-1872; Hayton, Frère, approximately 1235-approximately 1314; Theodericus, of Würzburg, active 1172; Godfrey, of Bouillon, approximately 1060-1100; da Verona, Jacopo, active 1335; Jordanus, canonicus osnaburgensis; Henricus, de Hispania; Alexander, of Tralles, approximately 525-approximately 605
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University of Minnesota Libraries, James Ford Bell Library.
Cartographic Details: Scale approximately 1:6,500,000. Manuscript, produced in Venice. Inscriptions in Italian (Venetian dialect) and Portuguese. On the upper border of the chart is a scale of miles which represents 400 miles. For a discussion of this chart see: Cortesão, Armando. The nautical chart of 1424. Coimbra : University of Coimbra, 1954.
Pizzigano, Zuane
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University of Minnesota Libraries, James Ford Bell Library.
Vellum leaf from an illuminated medieval manuscript. Northern France; Middle XVth Century. Latin Text; Angular Gothic Script. Book of Hours (Horæ Beatæ Mariæ Virginis).
1425 - 1475
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Special Collections and Rare Books.
Vellum leaf from an illuminated medieval manuscript. France; Middle XVth Century. Latin Text; Angular Gothic Script. Book of Hours (Horæ Beatæ Mariæ Virginis).
1425 - 1475
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Special Collections and Rare Books.
Vellum leaf from an illuminated medieval manuscript. France; Middle XVth Century. Latin Text; Angular Gothic Script. Book of Hours (Horæ Beatæ Mariæ Virginis).
1425 - 1475
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Special Collections and Rare Books.
Vellum leaf from an illuminated medieval manuscript. France; Middle XVth Century. Latin Text; Angular Gothic Script. Book of Hours (Horæ Beatæ Mariæ Virginis).
1425 - 1475
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Special Collections and Rare Books.
Vellum leaf from an illuminated medieval manuscript. France; Middle XVth Century. Latin Text; Lettre de Somme. Writings of St. Jerome (Sanctus Hieronymus, Contra Jovinianum).
1425 - 1475
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Special Collections and Rare Books.
Vellum leaf from an illuminated medieval manuscript. France; Middle XVth Century. Latin Text; Angular Gothic Script. Book of Hours (Horæ Beatæ Mariæ Virginis).
1425 - 1475
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Special Collections and Rare Books.
Original description: Vellum leaf from a medieval manuscript. France (Limoges); Middle XVth Century. Latin Text; Angular Gothic Script. Missal (Missale Lemovicense Castrense).
1425 - 1475
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Special Collections and Rare Books.
Vellum leaf from a medieval manuscript. Italy; Middle XVth Century. Latin Text; Humanistic Script. Livy's History of Rome (T. Livii ab Urbe Condita Libri).
1425 - 1475
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Special Collections and Rare Books.
Bible. Manuscripts, Latin, Old Testament. Ecclesiasticus. Manuscript leaf on vellum. In a book hand closely resembling the type of the Gutenberg Bible. Rubricated initials. Germany, ca. 1450. 48.5 x 35 cm. Chapter 13, verse one to chapter 16, verse 22.
1425 - 1475
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Special Collections and Rare Books.
Holograph signed: Michiel Moro [di?] Marin. Written in Italian; addressed to Venice by a Venetian firm's agent in London. Accompanied by an English translation (translator unknown), and a commentary by Lucio Marson, dated 1973 March 16, Rutherford, N.J. (5 leaves of typescript).
Moro, Michiel
Dolpfin, Laurenzius
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, James Ford Bell Library.