Each of these three posters contains a piece of digital art depicting an aspect of life during the COVID-19 pandemic. The creator describes the posters in the following way: "These pieces are meant to show the 'small things' we have noticed throughout this pandemic. Many of these were documented while I was moving to Duluth from Ely, MN." All th...
Kari, Emma
Contributed By:
Archives and Special Collections, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University of Minnesota Duluth
Each of these three posters contains a piece of digital art depicting something that the creator has noticed during the COVID-19 pandemic. The first poster shows a jumbled, colorful pile of items, including a bottle of hand sanitizer, several balls for various sports, a face mask, a roll of toilet paper, a human figure seated in a chair, a car, ...
Manecke, Lillie
Contributed By:
Archives and Special Collections, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University of Minnesota Duluth
Given a pair of graphs G1 and G2 and a vertex set of interest in G1, the vertex nomination (VN) problem seeks to find the corresponding vertices of interest in G2 (if they exist) and produce a rank list of the vertices in G2, with the corresponding vertices of interest in G2 concentrating, ideally, at the top of the rank list. In the setting of ...
Lyzinski, Vince (University of Maryland)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
We consider the ramifications of utilizing biased latent position estimates in subsequent statistical analysis in exchange for sizable variance reductions in finite networks. We establish an explicit bias-variance tradeoff for latent position estimates produced by the omnibus embedding in the presence of heterogeneous network data. We reveal an ...
Sussman, Daniel (Boston University)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
Lani Dalbacka shares stories of her time teaching English in China right before the start of COVID-19 and her subsequent return to Minnesota at the beginning of the pandemic. She describes first hearing about it in China, and how her colleagues and others took it seriously because of their experience with the SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndr...
Dalbacka, Lani
Wright, Brooke
Contributed By:
Archives and Special Collections, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University of Minnesota Duluth
Melissa Plucinak shares her experiences of life as a new mother during the COVID-19 pandemic. She recalls that she gave birth to her daughter the same week she started hearing about the prevalence of COVID-19 in the United States. She tells how she “felt pretty robbed” of the excitement of having her first child and sharing the experience with e...
Plucinak, Melissa
Moxley, Brandi
Contributed By:
Archives and Special Collections, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University of Minnesota Duluth
William (Bill) Kosiak shares his perspective as a retired person living in Two Harbors, Minnesota during the COVID-19 pandemic. He describes how he first heard about COVID-19 on the news, and still watches the nightly news and reads many other news publications online. He shares his perspective of how there is quite a bit of misleading news or o...
Kosiak, William (Bill)
Wright, Brooke
Contributed By:
Archives and Special Collections, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University of Minnesota Duluth
Each of these three posters contains a piece of digital art exploring an aspect of life during the COVID-19 pandemic. The first poster contains a close-up photograph of a floral cloth face mask. The straps of the mask are being cut with a pair of scissors. Text near the bottom of the poster reads: "before disposal ALWAYS cut your mask straps. Ye...
Leonard, Ginger
Contributed By:
Archives and Special Collections, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University of Minnesota Duluth
Each of these three posters contains a piece of digital art exploring the creator's thoughts on how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected society. The first poster is a digital drawing of a man wearing a blue face mask, bent under the weight of several gray objects, circles and a rectangle. The objects are labeled "2020", "Worldwide Pandemic", "Wor...
Vogl, Chris
Contributed By:
Archives and Special Collections, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University of Minnesota Duluth
This photograph shows the home workspace of a University of Minnesota Duluth (UMD) employee, which she used while working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic. The image includes a wooden desk and chair, a laptop sitting on a stack of books, a keyboard, an additional monitor, a notebook, and a ceramic mug. The laptop screen is displaying the C...
Jones, Kayleen
Contributed By:
Archives and Special Collections, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University of Minnesota Duluth
Remote sensing data from hyperspectral cameras suffer from limited spatial resolution, in which a single pixel of a hyperspectral image may contain information from several materials in the field of view. Blind hyperspectral image unmixing is the process of identifying the pure spectra of individual materials (i.e., endmembers) and their proport...
Lou, Yifei (University of Texas at Dallas)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
Neural networks are often represented as graphs of connections between neurons. However, despite their wide use, there is currently little understanding of the relationship between the graph structure of the neural network and its predictive performance. In this talk we systematically investigate how does the graph structure of neural networks a...
Leskovec, Jure (Stanford University)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
In many problems in data classification, it is desirable to assign labels to points in a point cloud where a certain number of them is already correctly labeled. In this talk, we propose a microscopic ODE approach, in which information about correct labels propagates to neighboring points. Its dynamics are based on alignment mechanisms, often us...
Kreusser, Lisa-Maria (University of Cambridge)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
Each of these three posters contains a piece of digital art exploring life during the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing on themes of isolation and communication. The first poster contains a number of colorful speech bubbles, which read: "In these trying times, we must all come together..."; "We are living in uncertain times"; "We hear you"; "Staying a...
Dvergsten, Faith O.
Contributed By:
Archives and Special Collections, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University of Minnesota Duluth
This photograph shows a laptop displaying the Chancellor's Welcome event for the University of Minnesota Duluth (UMD) fall 2020 semester. On screen are Chancellor Lendley Black, Vice Chancellor for Student Life Lisa Erwin, Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Fernando Delgado, and Interim Vice Chancellor for Finance and Operations Sue ...
Jones, Kayleen
Contributed By:
Archives and Special Collections, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University of Minnesota Duluth
This photograph shows a laptop sitting on a stack of books, displaying the Chancellor's Welcome event for the University of Minnesota Duluth (UMD) fall 2020 semester. On screen are Chancellor Lendley Black, Vice Chancellor for Student Life Lisa Erwin, Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Fernando Delgado, and Interim Vice Chancellor fo...
Jones, Kayleen
Contributed By:
Archives and Special Collections, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University of Minnesota Duluth
Graph Laplacians encode geometric information contained in data, via the eigenfunctions associated with their small eigenvalues. These spectral properties provide powerful tools in data clustering and data classification. When a large number of data points are available one may consider continuum limits of the graph Laplacian, both to give insig...
Hoffmann, Franca (California Institute of Technology)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
Data classification, where the goal is to divide data into predefined classes, is a fundamental problem in machine learning with many applications, including the classification of 3D sensory data. In this paper, we present a data classification method which can be applied to both semi-supervised and unsupervised learning tasks. The algorithm ...
Rapinchuk, Ekaterina (Michigan State University)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
The starting point for this work is the following observation: there exists a phase field approximation of the Willmore flow that seems to prevent, at least numerically, the appearance of self-intersections. Recall that the phase field approximation method allows to approximate the singular energy of singular functions by smooth energies of smoo...
Masnou, Simon (Université Claude-Bernard
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
Anders Hultstrom speaks about life and work during the time of COVID-19. He describes hearing about the novel coronavirus very early on. As a paramedic and EMS [Emergency Medical Services] worker, he says that when those in his line of work hear about a new pathogen they consider the worst-case scenarios. He also says that as a paramedic, he was...
Hultstrom, Anders
Jacobson, Katie
Contributed By:
Archives and Special Collections, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University of Minnesota Duluth
Ann Forsman (also known as Ann Kathryn when performing music) shares stories of her life as a musician and a non-profit employee during the time of COVID-19 in Duluth, Minnesota. She describes how she first heard of the virus, and knew it was serious when the community started cancelling basketball games and major events. She shares the story of...
Forsman, Ann Kathryn
Nicklawske, Mark
Contributed By:
Archives and Special Collections, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University of Minnesota Duluth
Inference problems with conjectured statistical-computational gaps are ubiquitous throughout modern statistics, computer science and statistical physics. While there has been success evidencing these gaps from the failure of restricted classes of algorithms, progress towards a more traditional reduction-based approach to computational complexity...
Bresler, Guy (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
Carla Hamilton shares her experiences living under COVID-19. She shares that when the news first came out about the pandemic, she wasn’t too worried and she traveled to San Francisco. She reveals that she and her son had COVID-19 in March and she describes what that experience was like for them. She mentions that her boyfriend recently got teste...
Hamilton, Carla
Villiard, Moira
Contributed By:
Archives and Special Collections, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University of Minnesota Duluth
DeBora Rachelle Bernick describes her experiences of life and work during COVID-19. She describes how the pandemic affected the creation and marketing of a new travel suitcase that she was designing. She says the process was interrupted and then significantly slowed down when she couldn’t travel to China where the product is being made. She expl...
Bernick, DeBora Rachelle
Villiard, Moira
Contributed By:
Archives and Special Collections, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University of Minnesota Duluth
Devaleena Das shares her experiences living during the time of the COVID-19 pandemic. She recounts first hearing about the novel coronavirus in January of 2020, and how she made alterations in her travel plans to and from Seattle, Washington. She tells us that she realized this might be a serious situation after learning about shortages of masks...
Das, Devaleena
Spehar, Elizabeth
Contributed By:
Archives and Special Collections, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University of Minnesota Duluth
Kimberly Anderson shares her experiences of work and life during the COVID-19 pandemic in Duluth, Minnesota. She describes the very early weeks of hearing about the pandemic and reveals that she and her friends joked about it, thinking it may just be a hyped up story by the government. She says they realized it was serious soon after, when they ...
Anderson, Kimberly
Moxley, Brandi
Contributed By:
Archives and Special Collections, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University of Minnesota Duluth
Sandra Maxwell shares her experiences living in Finland, Minnesota during the COVID-19 pandemic. She says that she and her husband have National Public Radio on “all the time” so she first heard about the novel coronavirus very early, in mid or late January. She tells us that she considers herself a solitary person who doesn’t mind being by hers...
Maxwell, Sandra
O'Brien, Christopher
Contributed By:
Archives and Special Collections, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University of Minnesota Duluth
Toni Rasmussen shares stories about her life as a beauty salon owner and parent during the time of COVID-19 in Two Harbors, Minnesota. She describes how her salon was required to shut down for three months due to the risks of spreading COVID-19 starting in March 2020, which meant a loss of income for her as a self-employed salon owner. She felt ...
Rassmussen, Toni
Wright, Brooke
Contributed By:
Archives and Special Collections, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University of Minnesota Duluth
Benjamin Hugus shares his experiences as an entrepreneur of a newer business, Ursa Minor Brewing, in the Lincoln Park Craft District of Duluth, Minnesota during the time of COVID-19. He says that in the early weeks of the pandemic business owners were faced with a choice of either quitting or adapting their business operations. He outlines many ...
Hugus, Benjamin
Lundgren, Paul
Contributed By:
Archives and Special Collections, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University of Minnesota Duluth
Donny Frank Morris shares his experience with art, family, school, and work during COVID-19. Donny’s spouse, Sharon Morris, also contributes to this interview. Donny talks about his comic book art, including a new project for kids, and illustrates how this time has been good for his art because he has been forced to think about different ways of...
Morris, Donny Frank
Villiard, Moira
Contributed By:
Archives and Special Collections, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University of Minnesota Duluth
Phase retrieval is a difficult inverse problem, with three types of intrinsic symmetries. These symmetries can fail even the classic methods, e.g., HIO on complex-valued images when the object support is not precisely known --- allowing free translations. Do these symmetries cause learning difficulty if one deploys the deep learning approach? We...
Sun, Ju (University of Minnesota, Twin Cities)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
Ann Maxwell shares her experiences of work and life during the COVID-19 pandemic. She describes in detail how the tools of yoga have been essential to her mental and physical health during this time. She reveals how she felt energized early on, as a small business owner, to figure out how be of service to the community. Ann shares that she has p...
Maxwell, Ann
Jacobson, Katie
Contributed By:
Archives and Special Collections, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University of Minnesota Duluth
Brenda Pfab shares stories of her life and perspective as a childcare provider and grandparent in Duluth during the time of COVID-19 and school closures. She describes how she first heard about the virus on the news, and began being very careful when shopping by wearing a mask and gloves and sanitizing everything when she got home. She shares he...
Pfab, Brenda
Wright, Brooke
Contributed By:
Archives and Special Collections, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University of Minnesota Duluth
In this essay, Alice Marks reflects on her experiences as a seventy-seven year old woman in Duluth, Minnesota during the COVID-19 pandemic. This essay continues the commentary that Marks began in her essay titled "The Pandemic As Seen Through the Eyes of a Senior Citizen," which is also included in this collection. In Part 1 of the essay, titled...
Marks, Alice
Contributed By:
Archives and Special Collections, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University of Minnesota Duluth
George Ellsworth shares stories of his life as a healthcare business employee, musician, and parent in Duluth, Minnesota during the time of COVID-19. He describes how he first heard of COVID-19 and thought it would perhaps be like the H1N1 Bird or Swine flu epidemics of a few years ago. Then he noticed that federal briefings and language seemed ...
Ellsworth, George
Nicklawske, Mark
Contributed By:
Archives and Special Collections, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University of Minnesota Duluth
Dennis Lamkin shares his perspectives of life and the impact of COVID-19-related closures on arts organizations in Duluth, Minnesota during the COVID-19 pandemic. He describes how he changed his news reading habits to use e-papers, especially due to the fact that the Duluth News Tribune stopped their daily delivery service, and he appreciates be...
Lamkin, Dennis
Nicklawske, Mark
Contributed By:
Archives and Special Collections, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University of Minnesota Duluth
Florencia Matamoros shares stories of their life working in the service industry and also navigating personal health and political issues during the COVID-19 pandemic. Florencia describes consuming news media and needing to limit their exposure to some sources. They discuss their own mental health and ways the pandemic has increased anxiety. The...
Matamoros, Florencia
Spehar, Elizabeth
Contributed By:
Archives and Special Collections, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University of Minnesota Duluth
Three posters containing digital art. The first poster shows a screenshot of a "Quarantine 2020" playlist of 117 songs. The song currently playing is "Lonely (Old Version) [Dirty]" by Akon from the album Trouble. The second poster shows a black-and-white digital drawing of 28 basketball jerseys containing the names of Black people who have been ...
Dugas, Derek
Contributed By:
Archives and Special Collections, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University of Minnesota Duluth
Each of these three posters highlight a regulation to help stop the spread of COVID-19. The first poster reads "Wear A Mask" and "I'm Wearing It For You. Are You Wearing It For Me?" The second poster reads "6 Feet Apart" with a very stylized number six. The third poster shows a line drawing of a handshake crossed out with a thick red line. All t...
Maynard, Samantha
Contributed By:
Archives and Special Collections, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University of Minnesota Duluth
Each of these three posters contains a line drawing and description of something that the creator says "illustrate[s] what was going on inside my house during quarantine" for COVID-19. The first poster shows a drawing of a television and reads: "Glass Panel. During quarantine, strange things started to happen.....instead of going out to buy a bi...
Gruben, Anna
Contributed By:
Archives and Special Collections, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University of Minnesota Duluth
Each of these three posters contains a piece of digital art and a description of an aspect of life during the COVID-19 pandemic. The first poster shows a drawing of an African-American woman's face in a frame. The text beneath the image reads: "Through the Black Lives Matter movement gaining a new steam with the tragic passing of George Floyd ca...
Wood, Josiah
Contributed By:
Archives and Special Collections, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University of Minnesota Duluth
Each of these three posters contains a piece of digital art and a description of an aspect of life during the COVID-19 pandemic. The first poster shows a cartoon drawing of a man and a deer with antlers, both lying with their heads on pillows, with a flashlight shining between them. The deer has a speech bubble above him that says: "I Didnt [sic...
Riechel, Stephen
Contributed By:
Archives and Special Collections, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University of Minnesota Duluth
Each of these three posters contains a piece of digital art and a description of an aspect of life during the COVID-19 pandemic. The first poster shows a drawing of an African-American woman's face in a frame. The text beneath the image reads: "Through the Black Lives Matter movement gaining a new steam with the tragic passing of George Floyd ca...
Wojta, Colton
Contributed By:
Archives and Special Collections, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University of Minnesota Duluth
Students studying and socializing in the Kirby Student Center. All of them are wearing face masks. The students are unidentified. Many of them are wearing UMD-branded face masks and apparel. These photographs were produced by the office of University Marketing and Public Relations in the Fall of 2020 and released in the Spring of 2021, when ther...
University Marketing and Public Relations (UMPR), University of Minnesota Duluth
Contributed By:
Archives and Special Collections, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University of Minnesota Duluth
Students studying and socializing in the Kirby Student Center. All of them are wearing face masks. The students are unidentified. Many of them are wearing UMD-branded face masks and apparel. These photographs were produced by the office of University Marketing and Public Relations in the Fall of 2020 and released in the Spring of 2021, when ther...
University Marketing and Public Relations (UMPR), University of Minnesota Duluth
Contributed By:
Archives and Special Collections, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University of Minnesota Duluth
Students are walking outdoors among fall foliage. The students are unidentified. Many of them are wearing UMD-branded face masks and apparel. These photographs were produced by the office of University Marketing and Public Relations in the Fall of 2020 and released in the Spring of 2021, when there was a mask mandate on the University of Minneso...
University Marketing and Public Relations (UMPR), University of Minnesota Duluth
Contributed By:
Archives and Special Collections, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University of Minnesota Duluth
Both Carly Hiti and Kaila Formanek speak about their advocacy and therapy work with PAVSA [Program for Aid to Victims of Sexual Assault] in Duluth, Minnesota and of their personal lives during this time of COVID-19. Carly describes her work as an outreach advocate at PAVSA and Kaila says that she is one of the two therapists that work at PAVSA. ...
Hiti, Carly; Formanek, Kaila
Moxley, Brandi
Contributed By:
Archives and Special Collections, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University of Minnesota Duluth
Debra Every shares her perspective as a resident of Two Harbors, Minnesota during the COVID-19 pandemic. She describes how she first heard of the virus, and was laid-off for a short time in March of 2020. She describes how she saw visitors to Two Harbors buying essentials in the grocery store and leaving shelves bare. She shares stories of how h...
Every, Debra
Wright, Brooke
Contributed By:
Archives and Special Collections, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University of Minnesota Duluth
Jayda Morales shares her experiences as a mother during the COVID-19 pandemic. She discusses the early and current situation surrounding mask wearing, the recommendations, access, cost, mask mandates, children’s masks, and the public reaction to the mandates. She talks about managing her household, which includes herself, her partner, a first gr...
Morales, Jayda
Moxley, Brandi
Contributed By:
Archives and Special Collections, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University of Minnesota Duluth