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Your seaplane in action : thank you, Mauritius!
Your Right to Read
Your Right to Knowledge and Your Right to learn, Talk #2
Your Right to Knowledge and Your Right to Learn, Talk #1
Your right of way : to victory : buy : victory bonds : and keep them
Your : Red Cross : is at his side : 1944 War Fund
Your recreation huts in action : thank you, Uganda!
Your ration board : these folks are your neighbors : .... help them help you!
Your production : beat your promise
Your palm kernels when cracked : help to feed the empire's fighting men : crack for victory
Your : OPA : program : to assure the necessities of life in wartime : price control, rent control, rationing : how
Your Negro Neighbor
Your navy : spearhead of victory : Navy Day : October 27
Your navy : spearhead of victory : Navy Day : October 27
Your navy -- first line of : attack : Navy Day Oct. 27th
Your navy -- first line of : attack : Navy Day Oct. 27th
"Your money or their lives?" : "shall it ever be said that we were willing to give our sons, but we were not willing
Your mobile canteens in action : your mobile canteens are filled with food and hot drinks ... : thank you, Kenya!
Your mobile canteens in action : your mobile canteens are filled with food and hot drinks... : thank you, Barbados!
Your mobile canteen in action : your mobile canteen is filled with food and hot drinks ... : thank you, Zanzibar!
Your mobile canteen in action : your mobile canteen is filled with food and hot drinks ... : thank you, Windward Isl
Your mobile canteen in action : your mobile canteen is filled with food and hot drinks ... : thank you, Trinidad and
Your mobile canteen in action : your mobile canteen is filled with food and hot drinks ... : thank you, Seychelles!
Your mobile canteen in action : your mobile canteen is filled with food and hot drinks ... : thank you, Northern Rho
Your mobile canteen in action : your mobile canteen is filled with food and hot drinks ... : thank you, Mauritius!
Your mobile canteen in action : your mobile canteen is filled with food and hot drinks ... : thank you, Malta!
Your mobile canteen in action : your mobile canteen is filled with food and hot drinks ... : thank you, Leeward Isla
Your mobile canteen in action : your mobile canteen is filled with food and hot drinks... : thank you, Jamaica!
Your mobile canteen in action : your mobile canteen is filled with food and hot drinks... : thank you, Gibraltar!
Your mobile canteen in action : your mobile canteen is filled with food and hot drinks... : thank you, Dominica!.
Your mobile canteen in action : your mobile canteen is filled with food and hot drinks... : thank you, Ceylon!
Your mobile canteen in action : your mobile canteen is filled with food and hot drinks... : thank you, British Guian
Your minesweeper in action : thank you, Tanganyika!
Your : metal : saves our convoys : keep it coming!
Your : metal : is their : might!
Your : metal : is on the attack : keep it coming!
Your metal in action : "babe" gets bullet ... : this is Munda ... : meet the " bazooka"! ... : before the barrage ..
Your manganese makes : steel : for fighting ships : thank your Gold Coast!
Your machine : is a : war weapon... : treat it : right!
Your lot in a : totalitarian state
"Your : lightning : has outscored the Axis wherever it has fought." -- Army Air Forces
Your last chance : war bonds will be withdrawn on January 18th : buy them : now
Your job is to : keep 'em shooting!
Your iron ore makes front-line : tanks and guns : thank you Sierra Leone!
Your 'Hurricanes' in action : thank you, Uganda!
Your 'Hurricanes' in action : thank you, Tanganyika!
Your 'Hurricanes' in action : thank you, Northern Rhodesia!
Your 'Hurricanes' in action : thank you, Gold Coast!
Your 'Hurricanes' in action : thank you, Fiji!
Your 'Hurricanes' in action : thank you, Ceylon!